Chet Says

Posted 3/25/99

In the life of every person, there are boundary lines to contend with.

People ow…

By Chet Miller


In the life of every person, there are boundary lines to contend …

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Chet Says


In the life of every person, there are boundary lines to contend with.

People ow…

By Chet Miller


In the life of every person, there are boundary lines to contend with.

People owning real estate of any kind are very careful in being aware where the boundary line is. Farmers keenly observe the fence line of their property. City dwellers definitely respect the lot lines of their property. Licenses are very precise in determining where property lines exist.

The white lines painted on highways are very useful for safe driving. Motorists not being observant of the yellow center boundary lines are subject to a fine of money. The banisters on bridges are a very good safeguard boundary line giving motorists a peace of mind when crossing. The city boundary lines having a slower speed limit often are like snares, resulting in fines of various amounts.

At track and relay races, strict observance by staying within boundary lines are practiced by those in the running. In the game of basketball there are many boundary lines, the three point line, free throw line, 1/2 court, lane violations and of course the out of bound lines. Also the boundary line of barely nudging the player with the ball. In baseball, over the fence and within the boundary line is the enjoyment of a homerun. Also the base line boundary to be complied with to as well as across the home plate, within the boundary line is a strike.

If and when in a foreign country, being within the boundary of the embassy we are safe, but without, we are subject to the laws of the country and could be arrested. In our country there are thousands of laws, creating a boundary, being outside of the boundary of law, we can be arrested and possibly find ourselves within the boundary of prison. Prisoners with good behavior at times are allowed to roam outside the boundary, but with mandatory wearing of a monitored electronic device.

How well we are reminded when with our personal bank accounts, when stepping over the numbers in the bank we are informed of the overdraft. Sad it is when credit card companies, enticing many people with a broad and humonguous limit for charging, all to soon finding themselves outside of the boundary line. Many times causing marriage problems as well as a dangerous frustration.

Business enterprises draw boundary lines by implementing a budget for a period of time and satisfied when all involved stay within the boundary.

When forming a church, synagogue, or fraternal organization we pledge or agree to abide with the rules and regulation boundary lines.

Early in life children learn it is the best for an education to confine themselves to the boundary lines set by teachers and administrators. For a more profitable life, mandatory it is that we heed the boundary line between stupidity and wisdom.

Too many times and too many people disregard the boundary line in what we can afford, gaping at new cars, houses, vacations or other selfish interests, making for a frustrated life.

Our physical can only bear so much abuse by our reckless disregard for the boundary lines that encircle our health.

The boundary of giving is so wide and large, when giving all we have and all of ourselves, we hardly feel the constriction of lines.

Within the boundary of promises, we convey the honesty of our word, therefore it is a feeling of worth and enjoyment of eternal bliss.

Quote: “There is a line by man unseen, that crosseth every path, it is the boundary line between God’s mercy and God’s wrath.”

There is a divine power available with plenty to keep us within the boundary for a good life.

Matthew 7:13 and 14 Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.