Chet Says: Y2K

By Chet Miller
Posted 7/8/99

Beware!! Megabytes are sure to bite us, devour, destroy or demolish almost every person on earth? It reminds me of when we see signs in yards, “Beware, mad dog”.

The computer certainly has …

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Chet Says: Y2K


Beware!! Megabytes are sure to bite us, devour, destroy or demolish almost every person on earth? It reminds me of when we see signs in yards, “Beware, mad dog”.

The computer certainly has made tremendous strides in dictating how we live. Almost equal in changing the habits and lifestyle of society as when the wheel was invented.

Definitely the computer invention and upgrading the same is faster than any other invention ever invented. By the time the computer is delivered and programs in place, it is already outdated, needing another costly update.

The computer has changed society’s life in different ways. The use of the computer is of much good in many various ways.

I will admit, I am not an expert of the mechanics of the computer, and it does almost blow my mind of how it does work. Although I am amazed and can hardly believe all the hype, frustration and fearfulness people are expressing, facing the year 2000, only approximately 180 days from now. If I am still around by then, I stand to be corrected. I can hardly not believe it, that it is an extremely large money making operation, the computer companies are selling us the fact, unless computers are made compatible with January 1, 1000, there will be utter chaos in the lives of most people. Portraying to us that commerce, transportation, communication will be in confusion, causing an immense time of hardship for people around the globe.

I firmly believe we should not stick our heads in sand, being unconcerned when experts do warn us, yet we need to carefully not be gullible in our thinking and actions.

Seemingly this hype and fearfulness in people has given fertile ground for current doomsday prophets and predictors, giving their pitch, drawing attention to their writings, seminars, sales of literature, books, etc.

Many are playing on emotions, herding people into their camp of thinking. All over North America and even around the world, Fundamentalists offer courses and seminars on end-times events, promoted by flashy, glossy paper, full color advertising. The year 2000 has many people excited. Numerous books, tapes and what-have-you can be found in the religion and New Age sections of popular book stores.

The approaching year 2000 or a new millennium has sparked much discussion of eschatology, whether ahmillennium or premillennium will prevail in the near future.

Real is the realm of spiritual reality, of imagination, of symbol and metaphor.

Every generation since Daniel has thought itself to be living in the “era of prophecy”, the end of times.

Think back, the Christians and Roman Empire in the years 100 to 400 AD. The Augustine era! Charles the Great, the 800 to 900 years. The Dark Ages to the Reformation in the 16th century.

In our generation, Hal Lindsey’s book, “The Late Great Planet Earth,” was timed right for the 1970’s growing appetite, 25 million books sold, more than any book in history except the Bible.

Yes, we must have a concern for the end times, eternity is to be reckoned with, as it is coming, and no man knows the day and the hour except God.

Too true, for many, Jesus often becomes a judgmental ‘tyrant’ rather than the Lord of History and Saviour of Humanity.

The most important thing is to be ready when the time comes.

Matthew 24:44 - Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.