March 18, 2024 7:00 PM
Regular meeting of the Kalona City Council with Mayor Robe presiding. Motion was made by Spitzer, and seconded by J Schmidt, to approve the agenda, with all voting yes.
Council members present: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim.
Motion was made by Spitzer and seconded by G Schmidt approving the minutes of the meeting from March 4, 2024 and March 12, 2024. With all voting yes, the minutes were approved and published.
On a motion by Beisheim and seconded by J Schmidt, the following bills were allowed with all voting yes. (See below list of bills)
Access Systems, Monthly 72.36
Acco, Water Chemicals 1,447.30
Amazon Capital Services, Computer Updates 1,363.13
Auditor of State, Annual Audit Filing Fees 250.00
Best of Iowa, WCRF Meeting 54.00
City of Kalona, Library Board 56.61
City of Kalona, General Transfer to Water (Utility ACH) 15,297.65
Cj’s Oil Company, Fuel 1,111.00
Delta Dental of Iowa, Vision Insurance 119.16
Delta Dental of Iowa, Dental Insurance 722.96
DNS LLC, Fuel 46.78
Eastern Iowa Light & Power, Street Lighting 32.25
ELM USA, Library Board 103.95
First Class Apparel, Uniform Embroider - Jacoby 140.00
Gambles Store, Part/Chainsaw 1,940.49
Hawkeye Electric Motors, Water Plant Repairs 140.00
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Payroll Taxes) 996.86
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Budget) 20,247.91
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Budget) 996.06
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Payroll) 2,827.50
Itech, Computer Updates/Monthly 771.35
Jackie Etheredge, Library Board 1,547.00
JFH Welding & Fabrication, Pool-Panels/Grate Cleaning and Paint 4,586.00
JW’s Food, Supplies 72.86
JW’s Food, Library Board 124.77
Kalona Auto Parts, Supplies/Parts 114.73
Kalona Coop Technology, Monthly 1,955.12
Kevins Concrete LLC, Disc Golf Pads 5,661.58
Konica Minolta, Library Board 255.91
Konica Minolta, Monthly 5.08
Kuenster Heating & Air, Library Board 45.00
Make Robe, Mileage 20.10
Moser Grinding, Grinding of Brush Pile 3,900.00
Peterseim Funeral, Cemetery Markers 406.13
Principal Life Insurance, Life Insurance 310.41
QC Analytical, Water Conference - Redlinger 150.00
Quad Cities Winwater, Water Parts 6,252.12
River Products, Rock 1,454.94
Schlabaugh & Sons, Clock Repair 20.00
Standard Pest Control, Monthly 85.00
State Hygenic Laboratory, Water Lab Testing 79.00
State Library of Iowa, Library Board 175.00
TASC, Monthly 24.20
The News, Publications 773.73
Thorn Creek Construction, 4th Street Repair 6,852.00
Vessco, ARPA - Water Plant Updates 11,281.28
Visa, Conference - Tornow 162.45
Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Sheild, Monthly 7,655.97
Yottys, Supplies/Tools 895.17
Transfer funds $ 32,395.95
General Fund 36,838.11
Washington Co. Riverboat Fd 14,024.00
Library Board Fund 3,380.74
Garbage Fund 16,195.88
Trust & Agency Fund 4,573.38
Water Fund 14,349.66
Sewer Fund 11,605.19
Transfer Funds $ 32,395.95
General Fund 54,976.40
Library Board Fund 1,242.40
Garbage Fund 16,195.88
Storm Sewer Utility Fund 3,646.62
Road Use Fund 21,444.20
Trust & Agency Fund 6,740.43
Tax Increment Finance Fd 16,243.72
Debt Service Fund 2,185.30
Water Fund 27,913.70
Sewer Fund 19,787.30
Public Form:
1) Chad Ellis with Washington County Sheriff’s Office was present to share calls for service in February and general discussion.
Levi and Landon Paulsen were present to share their request to utilize the Southtown Recreational Trail for a walk/run fundraiser and crawfish boil that would be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024. Motion was made by Beisheim and seconded by G Schmidt, to approve the event. With all voting yes, the motion was carried.
Consideration of selling Sharon Hill Cemetery Plot to the following:
a) H. David and Sherlene Seale.
A motion was made by Bender and seconded by J Schmidt to approve the sale. With all voting yes the motion carried.
Council reviewed the Water Quality Report (CCR) for 2023, on Kalona and Kalona Southtown. With all levels meeting state code, a motion was made by Spitzer, and seconded by G Schmidt to approve recognition of the report. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Discussion of the 2022-2023 audit report was held by council. Staff shared and answered questions the council had regarding the report. A motion was made by Spitzer and seconded by Bender. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Staff shared the Request of Proposal (RFP) document for the council, for the city owed Yoder Property. The Council will review the report and the final report with any changes requested completed and then will be shared with the Council in April 2024.
Discussion was held by the council on the Kalona Pool 2024 Season. City staff shared that the Washington YMCA will provide staffing and management again for the 2024 season. With the increase in operating cost, it was proposed that the daily drop-in rate be increased from $4.00 to $5.00. The YMCA will look to open the pool on May 30, 2024, and close around August 19, 2024. A motion was made by Spitzer, and seconded by Bender, to approve the rate change and dates of operation. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Resolution 2023-M, a resolution approving the temporary street closures for Kalona Farmers Market and Kalona Days. A portion of 5th Street to C Avenue crosswalk will be closed for the Farmers Market and B Avenue from 6th Street to 7th Street for two night markets. Kalona Days will have portions of B Avenue closed throughout the day for activities and C Avenue will be closed in the late afternoon for the parade. Motion was made by Spitzer, and seconded by G Schmidt, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim each voting yes. The motion carried.
Resolution 2023-L, a resolution approving the temporary street closures for Kalona Fall Festival on September 29 and 30, 2023. Portions of D Avenue will be closed for the event. A motion was made by Spitzer, and seconded by J Schmidt, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim each voting yes. The motion carried.
Mayor Mark Robe read the proclamation making April 4, 2024, and every first Thursday of April hereafter Junior Achievement Day in Kalona.
The meeting was adjourned.
Published in The News, Thursday, March 28, 2024 L-189