City of Kalona

June 3, 2024


June 3, 2024 7:00 PM

Regular meeting of the Kalona City Council with Mayor Robe presiding. Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by Bender, to approve the agenda, with the removal under new business item 1) Consideration of Hiring General Laborer, with all voting yes, the motion carried, and the agenda was approved.
Council members present: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim.
Motion was made by Beisheim and seconded by G Schmidt approving the minutes of the meeting from May 20, 2024, with all voting yes, the minutes were approved and published.
On a motion by Beisheim and seconded by G Schmidt, the following bills were allowed with all voting yes. (See below list of bills)

Acco, Pool/Water Chemicals 2,990.63
Alliant Energy, Monthly 15,592.10
Cardinal Sign & Graphics, Truck Decal 100.80
City of Kalona, Final Water Bill - Rent Deposit - Ball 100.00
City Sewer Service, Sewer Backup 189.50
Electric Pump, Lift Station Service 1,325.50
Farmers Electric, Ballfield Lights 75.00
Garden & Associates, Engineering 1,131.00
Grinnell Mutual, First Responders 2,483.00
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Payroll Taxes) 2,372.07
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Budget) 6,668.81
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Budget) 10,066.19
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Payroll) 5,449.52
Iowa Department of Revenue, State Withholding 1,461.00
Iowa Department of Revenue, Water Excise Tax 1,981.07
Iowa Department of Revenue, Sewer Sales Tax 327.43
Iowa One Call, Water/Sewer Locates 29.80
Iowa Public Employment Retirement Systems, IPERS 6,797.73
Jackie Etheredge, Office Cleaning 200.00
Jeffrey Hudson, Refund Water Rental Deposit Balance 54.90
Johnson County Refuse, Garbage/Recycle Contract 16,346.82
JW’s Food, Supplies 49.46
Kalona Auto Parts, Parts/Supplies 187.37
Kalona Machine & Fab, Flower Basket Hooks 360.00
Konica Minolta, Monthly 28.13
Kuenster Heating & Air, Water Plant/Pool repairs 1,311.82
L.L. Pelling, Restripe 205.00
Martin Equipment, part 37.11
Reserve Account, postage 600.00
Southeast Iowa Insurance, Annual EMC Insurance Audit 1,483.00
Standard Pest Control, Monthly 85.00
Team Laboratory, Water/Sewer Marking Paint 241.00
The News, Publications 2,047.23
Thrapp Electric, Water Plant Electric/Street Lighting 389.25
USA Blue Book, Water/Sewer Flag Markers 165.00
Van Wert Company, 1-Inch Meter 575.50
Washington County Treasure, Taxes 1,420.00
YM Developers, TIF-Valley View Subdivision 62,195.13
YMCA of Washington County, YMCA Agreement - June 4,500.00

Transfer funds $24,556.59
General Fund 27,716.58
Library Board Fund 1,509.10
Garbage Fund 16,346.82
Road Use Fund 242.11
Trust & Agency Fund 2,385.11
Tax increment Finance Fund 62,195.13
Water Fund 8,649.88
Sewer Fund 10,393.62
Transfer Funds $ 19,433.85
General Fund 85,120.68
Library Memorial Fund 408.50
Library Board Fund 24,625.49
Garbage Fund 295.00 Water Fund 100.00
Sewer Fund 5,553.09

Public Form:
1) Bob Yoder, with the Washington County Board of Supervisors was present to share with the Council upcoming discussions the Washington County Board of Supervisors will be having regarding the possibility of placing an EMS essential service bond on the 2024 November ballot.
Resolution No. 2024-V, a resolution approving the bond purchase agreement and providing for the issuance of Local Option Sales and Service Tax Revenue Bonds, series 2024A. Motion was made by Bender, and seconded by J Schmidt, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the same. The council was then polled with Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim each voting yes. The motion carried.
First reading of Ordinance No. 2024-353, an ordinance amending section 165.08 regarding fences and hedge regulations. Changes would include a permit requirement for the installation of a fence or hedge with a $25.00 fee for the permit. A motion was made by G Schmidt and seconded by Bender, approving the first reading of the Ordinance. The Mayor put the question on the motion and the roll being called the following named council members voted: Bender, J Schmidt, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim, each voting yes.
Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion duly carried and the first reading passed.
Discussion of Winborn Sponsored Flagpole at the City’s B Avenue Park, was held by the council. Staff shared that the city would pay the upfront cost and the Phillip Winborn Family would reimburse the city. The council directed staff to continue working with the Winborn family.
Setting of a driving work session for the council, and staff at 5:30 PM on June 17, 2024, to take the council around town to discuss ongoing and future projects. The council will start at the city hall council chambers. A motion was made by Bender and seconded by J Schmidt, to set the work session. With all voting yes the motion carried.
Discussion of Feed the Kids using space at the Kalona Southtown storage building for summer meals was discussed by council. Staff shared that the space would mainly be used as a place where Feed the Kids volunteers could bag and distribute meals. The council directed staff to work with Feed the Kids for space.
Consideration of Iowa Department of Transportation permit application for Alliant Energy regarding underground electric at 3rd and Highway 22. A motion was made by Beisheim and seconded by J Schmidt to approve the permit. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned.


Published in The News, Thursday, June 13, 2024 L-159