July 1, 2024 7:00 PM
Regular meeting of the Kalona City Council with Mayor Robe presiding. Motion was made by Bender, and seconded by Spitzer, to approve the agenda, with all voting yes, the motion carried, and the agenda was approved.
Council members present: Bender, G Schmidt, Spitzer, and Beisheim. J Schmidt was absent.
Motion was made by Spitzer and seconded by Bender approving the minutes of the meeting from June 3, 2024, with all voting yes, the minutes were approved and published.
On a motion by Spitzer and seconded by Beisheim, the following bills were allowed with all voting yes. (See below list of bills)
A Tech/Freeman Alarm, Annual Fire Monitoring Fee 660.00
Acco, Water Chemicals 1,085.75
Action Sewer & Septic Service, Clean Bathroom Sink Lines 225.00
Amazon Capital Services, WCR-Library Teen Area/Supplies 591.05
Atwood Electric, Park Electric Pole 1,526.00
Central Iowa Distributing, Cleaning Supplies 120.00
City of Kalona, First Responders Checking to Savings 99.96
Core & Main, Water Supplies 85.67
Helmuth Repair, Parts 125.06
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Payroll Taxes) 2,372.07
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Budget) 4,911.59
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Budget) 241.00
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Payroll) 5,495.86
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Water (Budget) 12,228.86
Hills Bank Kalona, Payback General - Sewer (Budget) 6,627.83
Iowa Collison & Paint, Truck Equipment 2,202.00
Iowa Department of Revenue, Tax Withholding 1,584.00
Iowa Department of Revenue, Water Excise Tax 2,065.52
Iowa Department of Revenue, Sewer Sales Tax 338.82
Iowa Prison Industries, City Limit Signs 104.40
Iowa Public Employee Retirement Systems, IPERS - June 6,882.26
JFH Welding & Fabrication, Dog Park 1,059.50
Kleopfer Lawn Care, Broadleaf Control 150.00
Konica Minolta, Monthly 27.92
Kuenster Heating & Air, AC Repairs 274.91
Main Street Washington, Washington Business Annual Dinner 240.00
Martin Equipment, Backhoe Downpayment/Bucket 25,150.00
Menards, Campground Electric Repairs 73.39
Office Express, Office Supplies 428.00
Stout Companies, Fertilizer 212.35
Team Laboratory, Sewer Marking Paint 241.00
Acco, Pool Chemicals 384.18
Ace Electric, Ball Park Electric Pole 5,550.00
Alliant Energy, Monthly 15,279.43
Amazon Capital Services, Park Supplies 86.53
Boland Recreation, Vista Park Project - Park Equipment 274,060.00
City of Coralville, Kalona Days Stage 400.00
City of Wellman, WCR-2024 Fireworks 1,500.00
CJ Moyna & Sons, Pay App #2 - Vista Park Project 368,253.30
Craig Pettit, Refund Water Rental Deposit Balance 35.87
Game Time, Park Shade 3,741.32
Garden & Associates, Engineering 14,162.89
Hershberger Oil, Generator Refill 746.97
Impact7G, 10 Year Comp Plan 9,037.99
Iowa League of Cities, Annual League Dues 1,945.00
Iowa Finance Authority, Sewer Bond (ACH) 61,740.00
J&M Displays, WCR - Fireworks 3,000.00
Kleopfer Lawn Care, Broadleaf Control/Lagoon Vegetation 3,055.00
M&K Dust Control, Park Dust Control 4,600.00
MSA Professional Services, Engineering - Vista Park 7,014.41
Oakland, Annual Filing Software Fee 3,100.00
Schlabach Fencing, Park Culvert Fence 2,890.00
Steven’s Erosion Control, Grass Seed/Straw Matting 405.00
UMB Bank, Vista Park Bond Fees 300.00
Washington County Auditor, Quarterly Law Enforcement Contract 71,142.00
Washington County Economic Development, 24-25 Annual Commitment 5,500.00
YMCA of Washington County, YMCA Agreement - July 4,500.00
Transfer funds $31,877.21
General Fund 123,743.52
Washington Co. Riverboat Fd 5,114.92
Library Board Fund 2,167.79
Local Option Sale Tax Fund 34,101.71
Capital Project Fund 2,642.06
Trust & Agency Fund 2,431.12
Water Fund 19,205.97
Sewer Fund 7,207.65
Sewer Bond (EFT) 61,740.00
Sewer Fund 14,391.83
Transfer Funds $ 41,664.68
General Fund 20,736.14
Library Memorial Fund 167.00
Library Board Fund 546.55
Local Option Sales Tax Fund 29,808.97
Road Use Fund 41,933.25
Trust & Agency Fund 2,843.75
Tax Increment Finance Fund 3,767.19
Debt Service Fund 875.69
Capital Project Fund 2,047,735.44
Water Fund 18,293.78
Sewer Fund 18,607.12
Discussion was held regarding chicken application for 727 1st Street, by the council. Kim Droz was present to answer questions that the council had regarding the number of chickens and chickens running at large. Ms. Droz agreed to keep the chickens in an enclosed area. Council permitted no more than 16 chickens to be kept since there are no other residential properties in close proximity. A motion was made by G Schmidt and seconded by Bender with all voting yes. The motion carried.
Consideration of Pay App #2 for CJ Moyna & Sons LLC in the amount of $368,253.30 for the Vista Park Project. Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by Bender to approve the pay app. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Change Order #1 for CJ Moyna & Sons LLC in the amount of $50,337.75 for the Vista Park Project. Motion was made by G Schmidt, and seconded by Beisheim to approve the pay app. With all voting yes, the motion carried.
Discussion of Proposed Changes to 28-E Agreement with the City of Riverside, regarding building inspector services, was held by the council. The council directed staff to continue working with the City of Riverside on the proposed changes. Staff will present the agreed-on changes to the council for final approval at a future council meeting.
Consideration of approving the Library Board Trustees recommendation for the Library Board:
a) Karen Stalter – renewing term for 07/01/2024 to 06/30/2030
A motion was made by Bender and seconded by Spitzer with all voting yes. The motion carried.
Council reviewed the current proposed speed limits from Washington County for 133rd and Nutmeg Avenue. The council directed staff to continue working with Washington County on a speed study of the area to set appropriate speed limits. An ordinance will be proposed at a future date with the final proposal.
The meeting was adjourned.
Published in The News, Thursday, July 11, 2024 L-167