July 1, 2024
Wellman, Iowa
The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Administrator, City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Shannon McCain, Fern Bontrager, Aaron Fleming & Nathan Klostermann. The Consent Agenda was approved by Klostermann, seconded by Stutzman. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from previous meeting and the following:
6/24 Payroll
Jonathan J Adam $99.73
Carrie R Geno $1,094.57
Laurelin E Geno $133.17
Melissa J Fleming $398.09
Megan E Harris $346.72
Fern J Bontrager $193.74
Aaron M Fleming $161.45
Nathan J Klostermann $193.93
Shannon K McCain $226.04
Ryan J Miller $276.78
Angela D Stutzman $226.04
Beth A VanWinkle $1,755.42
Betty J Johnston $126.90
Timothy J Garrett $2,396.19
Travis D Hartley $1,501.17
Rex A Peck $1,395.90
Josh S VanWinkle $1,411.29
Debra S Hill $678.73
Brock Lowenberg $53.33
Deana K Nolan $70.31
Shirley Y Brown $197.90
Anita J Kanagy $789.10
Kelly L Litwiller $2,274.85
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,343.47
Fed Taxes $5,123.12
State Taxes $1,616.00
IPERS $7,236.70
BC/BS $8,222.25
AFLAC $216.44
Cynthia S Thrapp, June Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, June Large Stickers/Recycling $4,818.50
Deana K Nolan, Skate Game Supplies Reimbursement $68.79
Josh S VanWinkle, June Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Kelly L Litwiller, June Cell/Meeting Supplies Reimbursement $133.50
William D Nickell, July Yard Waste $175.00
Paws & More, June City Contribution/Customer Donations $627.45
Rex A Peck, June Cell/FY24 Clothing Allowance Reimbursements $309.26
Treasurer State of Iowa , Gas Use Taxes $232.30
Shirley Y Brown, Goodwin Center Food Reimbursement $73.56
Standard Pest Control, July Pest Control $115.00
Timothy J Garrett, June Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Travis D Hartley, June Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Treasurer State of Iowa , June Sales/Water Excise Taxes $3,466.52
Todd Troyer, June Building Permits $140.00
Beth A VanWinkle, June Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Wellman Emporium Assoc., July Goodwin Center Condo Fee $136.54
Alliant Energy, City Utilities $1,481.12
Bernatello’s Foods, Skate Pizzas for Resale $183.00
Boyse Dozing, Splashpad Work/Water Main Breaks $25,972.83
Calhoun-Burns & Assoc., 9th Ave. Bridge Project $11,195.95
Central Iowa Distributing, Parks/Skate Supplies $515.00
City of Wellman, FY25 July Utilities $819.64
D.I.A.L/Elevator Safety Bureau, Parkside Elevator Permit/Inspection Fee $175.00
Dakota Supply Group, WTP Supplies $4,876.25
Dearborn National, Employee Premiums $153.77
Garden & Associates, Water System Improvements Proj./Utility Mapping $9,030.35
Hawkins, WTP Chemicals $1,359.72
Iowa League of Cities, Member Dues $1,248.00
J&S Plumbing, Htg., & A/C, Parkside Compressor Repairs $315.00
Kalona Machine & Fab., June Gas Tank Rental $20.00
Kalonial Tree Service, Tree Trimming/Removals $6,325.00
Kay Park Rec. Corp., Picnic Tables $5,236.60
Kevins Concrete, Concrete Work $5,101.96
Leaf, City Hall Copier Lease $108.19
Lynch Dallas, Attorney Fees $860.22
Metering & Technology Sol., Water Meter/Supplies $1,018.26
Mid-Prairie Schools, FY24 Cross Guard $3,241.52
Municipal Gas System, Insulation Rebate $500.00
Pat & Karmen Cady, Building Renovation Donation $100,000.00
Summit Companies, Fire Extinguishers $869.00
The News, Publications/Advertising $617.99
USABluebook, WTP Chemkeys $975.53
USDI,June Retainer Fees $225.00
Visa, City Hall Credit Card Payment $660.50
Washington Community YMCA, Parkside Banquet Hall Utilities/Staffing Hours $846.53
Washington Co. Auditor, Jul-Sept Law Enforcement $35,457.50
Total $269,795.18
No one spoke in public forum.
A public hearing to receive comments on proposed conveyance of right of way easement to Wapello Rural Water Association, Inc. was opened by McCain, seconded by Bontrager and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes. There were no oral or written comments. Fleming made a motion to close the public hearing, Stutzman seconded and all voted ayes.
Resolution No. 24-25 A resolution authorizing conveyance of right of way easement to Wapello Rural Water Association was introduced and caused to be read. Bontrager moved to approve Resolution No. 24-25, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-26 A resolution to hire a Skate Rink employee and set wages for that position was introduced and caused to be read. McCain moved to approve Resolution No. 24-26, Klostermann seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-27 A resolution setting public hearing on proposed conveyance of right of way easement (No. 276-06) to Wapello Rural Water Association, Inc. was introduced and caused to be read. The public hearing is set for July 15th Meeting. Klostermann moved to approve Resolution No. 24-27, Fleming seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Klostermann made a motion to approve JET Physical Therapy Lease Agreement, Stutzman seconded and all voted ayes.
Bontrager made a motion to approve the bids that were quoted through Kalonial Tree Service, Fleming seconded and all voted ayes.
Council moved into works session to discuss Sunrise Daycare new lease terms. Melissa Kaufman, Sunrise director along with board members and parents were present for this discussion.
With no further business to discuss Bontrager moved for adjournment at 6:49pm, Klostermann seconded and all voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be Monday, July 15, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.
Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.
Published in The News, Thursday, July 11, 2024 L-156