January 20, 2025
Wellman, Iowa
The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Administrator and City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Fern Bontrager, Nathan Klostermann & Shannon McCain; Aaron Fleming was absent. The Consent Agenda was approved by Bontrager, seconded by Stutzman and all voted ayes. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from the previous meeting, Approval of December Financials and the following:
Jonathan J Adam $65.80
Carrie R Geno $1,157.51
Gabrielle M Geno $112.21
Melissa J Fleming $426.05
Megan E Harris $381.15
Ryan J Miller $276.78
Beth A VanWinkle $1,820.81
Betty J Johnston $103.49
Timothy J Garrett $2,546.15
Travis D Hartley $1,593.30
Rex A Peck $1,459.46
Josh S VanWinkle $1,478.31
Eli M Conrad $24.24
Debra S Hill $748.95
Landon P Humble $130.90
Deana K Nolan $523.49
Damayanti Banuelos Ortega $29.09
Shirley Y Brown $251.03
Cynthia P Gassmann $345.05
Anita J Kanagy $49.40
Kelly L Litwiller $2,445.21
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,421.56
Fed Taxes $5,271.79
State Taxes $1,289.34
IPERS $7,390.52
BC/BS $8,617.74
AFLAC $216.44
State Auditor’s Office, FY23 Filing Fee $175.00
Matt Kindred, Utility Deposit Refund $16.57
T to T Homes, Utility Deposit Refund $58.92
Amazon, Library Books/Supplies $274.66
Baker & Taylor Books, Library Books $359.40
Boyse Dozing, Water Repairs $3,420.00
Central Iowa Distributing, City Hall/Library Supplies $114.00
City of Wellman, Utilities $2,123.88
Clayton Energy Corp., December Gas Purchase $19,029.99
Cox Sanitation & Recycling WTP/WWTP Dumpsters & Large Trash Tags $485.00
Demco, Library Supplies $97.47
Eastern Iowa Light & Power, Lift Station $199.51
Freeman Foods, Skate Supplies/Merchandise for Resale $91.55
Freeman Foods-Sr. Dining Acct., Goodwin Center Food $241.59
Helmuth Repair, WWTP Power Washer Parts $62.30
Hi-Line, Shop Supplies $186.00
ION Environmental Solutions, WTP/WWTP Labs $1,084.00
IAMU, Jan-Mar ISEP Quarterly Training $688.00
JB Repair, City Equipment Repairs/Parts $915.67
Kalona Machine & Fab., January Tank Rental $20.00
Kohl Wholesale, Goodwin Center Food $597.95
Melissa J Fleming, Library Supplies Reimbursements $43.56
Merchant Services, December Merchant Fees $1,030.87
Pefa, Inc. December Gas Purchase $24,709.98
Project Share, Project Share $200.00
Quality Window Cleaning, City Hall Window Cleaning $36.00
Revize 2025 Annual Tech Support/SSL Certificate $1,375.00
Rexco, Skid Loader Broom $8,310.71
Rotary Club of Wellman, 2024 Quarter 4 Dues/Meals-KL $128.00
Schindler Elevator Corp., Annual Contract Renewal $1,442.51
Terra Tree Service, Ice Storm Tree Shredding $3,240.00
USDI, December Retainer Fee/TBS Heater Engineering $390.00
Visa, Library/Skate Credit Card Payments $392.20
Wapello Rural Water, 10% Connection Fee $261,000.00
Washington Community YMCA, 2025 Management Fee $20,000.00
Washington County Auditor, Jan-Mar Law Enforcement $35,457.50
Washington County Engineer’s Office, 9th Ave. Bridge Project Fee Reimbursement $216.08
WEDGE, 2025 Pledge $6,000.00
Wellman Auto Parts, WWTP Supplies/Equipment Filters & Oil $189.97
Yotty’s S, kating Rink Supplies $14.58
TOTAL $434,594.19
December Financials:
Fund Revenues Expenses
001 General Fund $12,940.21 $21,166.04
003 Aid to Public Library $10.76 $586.34
004 Liability/Prop Ins $1,664.30 $0.00
005 Flood Insurance-Fire Dept $0.00 $0.00
006 Street Assessment $1.01 $0.00
007 Tax Credit Reimbursement $7.53 $102.32
008 Comm Beautification $0.00 $0.00
050 Comm Dev Grant/Housing $0.00 $0.00
054 Comm Dev Grant/Sewer $0.00 $0.00
110 Road Use Tax $20,443.53 $10,132.57
112 Employee Benefit $1,450.88 $3,877.56
121 Local Option Sales Tax $17,571.31 $0.00
125 Tax Increment Financing $817.93 $0.00
127 Housing & Urban $2.51 $0.00
131 Library County $0.00 $0.00
133 Library Local $99.94 $0.00
134 Library Sitler Trust $0.00 $0.00
135 Library Fines & Fees $0.00 $0.00
136 Library State $1,353.61 $0.00
137 Library Savings $0.00 $0.00
138 Library Capital $0.00 $0.00
151 Skate Rink $7,104.22 $4,037.27
152 Parkside $2,650.35 $1,330.05
153 Parkside Maintenance $0.87 $0.00
154 Parks Playground Project $0.00 $0.00
156 Riverboat Municipal Grant $30,385.43 $0.00
182 SR Dining Waiver $0.00 $0.00
183 Sr Dining Donation $3,221.73 $6,027.09
184 Sr Dining Project CD $0.00 $0.00
185 Sr Dining CD $0.00 $0.00
200 Debt Svc 2012 A $2.87 $0.00
205 Debt Svc 2012 B $0.00 $0.00
210 Debt Svc 2011 Infra $0.00 $0.00
220 Debt Svc Parkside $0.00 $2,532.00
301 Cap Equip Reserve $0.00 $0.00
303 Capital Project Bridge $0.00 $6,500.00
304 Cap Proj Parkside $0.00 $0.00
305 Capt Proj Parks & Trls $0.00 $0.00
500 Perm Funds/Library $0.00 $0.00
600 Water $55,076.63 $38,737.64
601 Water Capital Projects $32.39 $6,933.25
602 Water Sinking $0.01 $0.00
603 Water CD/RO Filters $0.00 $0.00
604 Water RO Project $1.41 $0.00
610 Sewer $31,790.07 $23,657.70
611 Sewer Capital Projects $0.01 $0.00
612 Sewer Sinking $2.09 $0.00
640 Gas $34,530.21 $38,237.10
670 Landfill/Garbage $6,341.36 $5,311.25
700 Cable TV $0.04 $0.00
740 Storm Water $3,314.79 $910.00
TOTAL $230,818.00 $170,078.18
No one spoke in public forum.
Ellis was not present for Sheriff’s update.
Resolution No. 25-06 A resolution approving Bond Purchase Agreement for the sale of General Obligation Bridge Improvement Bonds, Series 2025A was introduced and caused to be read. McCain moved to approve resolution No. 25-06, Klostermann seconded and upon roll call the vote was 4 ayes: Fleming absent.
Discussion was had on Washington County Riverboat Foundation Municipal Grant application – Due February 21st.
Council moved into Work Session to discuss Budget FY26.
With no further business to be discussed Stutzman moved for adjournment at 6:08pm, Bontrager seconded and all present voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be held Monday, February 3, 2025, in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.
Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.
Published in The News, Thursday, January 30, 2025 L-171