November 4, 2024
Wellman, Iowa
The Wellman City Council met in regular session in the Wellman City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30 pm. Mayor Ryan Miller presided with City Administrator, City Clerk and the following Council Members: Angela Stutzman, Fern Bontrager, Aaron Fleming, Nathan Klostermann & Shannon McCain. The Consent Agenda was approved by McCain, seconded by Stutzman and all voted ayes. The consent agenda includes the agenda, minutes from previous meeting and the following:
Jonathan J Adam $91.42
Carrie R Geno $1,150.43
Gabrielle M Geno $62.33
Melissa J Fleming $417.99
Megan E Harris $381.15
Ryan J Miller $276.78
Beth A VanWinkle $1,798.64
Betty J Johnston $170.11
Timothy J Garrett $2,486.49
Travis D Hartley $1,558.05
Rex A Peck $1,446.96
Josh S VanWinkle $1,463.78
Eli M Conrad $24.24
Debra S Hill $718.71
Brock Lowenberg $26.67
Deana K Nolan $533.58
Damyanti Banuelos Ortega $19.40
Shirley Y Brown $56.42
Anita J Kanagy $740.17
Kelly L Litwiller $2,397.33
Cynthia S Thrapp $1,392.23
Fed Taxes $5,351.82
State Taxes $1,696.00
IPERS $7,402.39
BC/BS $8,617.44
AFLAC $216.74
Wapello Rural Water, 33% Hook up Fee $861,300.00
Cynthia S Thrapp, October Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, October Large Stickers/Recycling $4,835.50
Josh S VanWinkle, October Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Anita J Kanagy, Goodwin Center Food Reimbursement $22.07
Limecreek Township Clerk, FY25 Donation $600.00
Kelly L Litwiller, October Cell/Mileage Reimbursement $159.78
Merlin J Hernandez, October Banquet Hall Cleaning $350.00
William D Nickell, November Yard Waste $175.00
Paws & More, October City Contribution/Customer Donations $623.14
Rex A Peck, October Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Treasurer State of Iowa, October Gas Use Taxes $152.81
Shirley Y Brown, Goodwin Center Food Reimbursement $11.62
Standard Pest Control, November Pest Control $115.00
Timothy J Garrett, October Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Travis D Hartley, October Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Treasurer State of Iowa, October Sales/Water Excise Taxes $3,459.61
Beth A VanWinkle, October Cell Reimbursement $70.00
Wellman Emporium Association, Goodwin Center Condo Fee-November $136.54
Wellman Vol. Fire Dept., FY25 October Donation $15,000.00
Alliant Energy, City Utilities $10,726.58
ASCAP , 2024 Entertainment License $445.00
Auditor of State, Rob Sand, FY24 Exam Fee $250.00
Badger Meter, October Fixed Network $216.87
Calhoun-Burns & Associates, 9th Ave. Bridge Project $881.25
D.I.A.L/Elevator Safety Bureau, City Hall Elevator Permit Fee $165.00
Dakota Supply Group, WTP Supplies $640.00
Dell Marketing, City Hall Workstations $4,928.43
Electronic Motors of Iowa City, WWTP Motor Repairs $232.00
Garden & Associates, Water System Improvements $2,140.00
Hi-Line, Shop Supplies $516.10
Impressions Computers, 2024 Yearly Contract $1,200.00
IUB, FY24 Direct Assessments $345.00
Jetco, Inc., WTP System Programming $1,800.00
Kalonial Tree Service, 501 7th Ave.-2 trees removed $2,800.00
Kohl Wholesale, Goodwin Center Food $647.93
Koons Gas Measurement, Gas Meters/Supplies $2,930.83
Leaf, City Hall Copier Lease $108.19
Leet’s Refrigeration, Walk In Freezer $626.63
Lynch Dallas, Attorney Fees $657.22
Office Express, City Hall Office Supplies $98.97
Schumacher Elevator Company, City Hall Elevator Safety Testing $535.00
Summit Companies, Parkside Annual Sprinkler Testing $588.00
Thrapp Electric, Parkside Lot Lights $1,261.00
USABluebook, WTP Chemkeys $312.84
Visa, City Hall Credit Card Payment $420.12
Wapello Rural Water, 57% Connection Fee-Water Project $1,487,700.00
Washington Co. Treasurer, 2023 City Lot Taxed Portion $422.00
Wellman Co-op Telephone, City Telephones $1,213.54
Total $2,452,666.84
No on spoke in public forum.
Resolution No. 24-50 A resolution setting a public hearing to amend provisions of section 92.02 (rates for service) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wellman, Iowa was introduced and caused to be read. Public Hearing is set for November 18th Council Meeting. Bontrager moved to approve Resolution No. 24-50, Klostermann seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Resolution No. 24-51 A resolution to waive the right to review the plat of survey for Mark Schneider was introduced and caused to be read. Fleming moved to approve Resolution No. 24-51, McCain seconded and upon roll call the vote was unanimous ayes.
Klostermann made a motion to approve recommendation from Garden & Associates, LTD pump station connection to Wapello Rural Water, Stutzman seconded and all voted ayes.
With no further business to be discussed Fleming moved for adjournment at 5:44pm, Stutzman seconded and all voted ayes. The next regular City Council Meeting will be Monday, November 18, 2024, at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers of the Wellman Municipal Building.
Minutes transcribed by the City Clerk are subject to Council Approval.
Published in The News, Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024 L-130