Easter Festivities


The Easter Bunny Visits Hall Park

Postponing the Easter Bunny’s visit to Riverside until April 8 turned out to be a good idea.  It was much warmer than the previous weekend and the bright sunshine put everyone in good spirits.  The eager kids needed no urging once the signal was given to start the hunt, which covered much of Hall Park.  The littlest ones were corralled on the tennis courts, making it easier for parents to keep an eye on them.

Becky LaRoche organized the activities for the Riverside Area Community Club (RACC).  Travis Riggan, president of RACC, was also on hand to help.  He recruited students from the Highland girls and boys golf teams he coaches to help set up and keep all the groups headed in the right directions.  They earned Red Cord hours for their volunteer work, as well as had a great time.  Students included Colton Sypherd, Kelsi Cerny and Jacob Hartzler in the Easter Bunny costume this year, providing the photo op and handing out treats and coloring books.  A big thanks to everyone who helped and to all those who showed up to enjoy the morning.


Kalona Easter Egg Hunt

Crowds turned out for Kalona’s Easter Egg Hunt on April 8 at the Kalona Historical Village.  Kids of all ages scrambled for colorful plastic eggs filled with candy under sunny skies.  Pony rides and bunny-petting opportunities made the morning one families won’t soon forget.