Highland Community Schools
Board of Directors Special Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2024
5:00 p.m. – Highland Board Room
The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by President Nate Robinson.
Roll call was taken with John O’Leary, Monica Jepson, Rachel Longbine, Dan Ruth, Joslin Schott, Karen Fink and Nate Robinson present. Also in attendance were Ken Crawford, Superintendent and Sue Rich, Board Secretary.
Jepson made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Longbine.
Motion carried 7-0
President Nate Robinson opened the public hearing on the proposed tax notice at 5:03 pm.
There were no written comments submitted and no oral comments were made. Robinson closed the public hearing at 5:10 pm.
Ruth made a motion to adjourn at 5:11 p.m. Seconded by Longbine. Motion carried 7-0
Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 648-3822, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Published in The News, Thursday, April 4, 2024 L-37
Highland Community Schools
Board of Directors
Work Session
Monday – March 25, 2024
5:10 p.m. – Highland Board Room
The work session was called to order at 5:12 p.m. by President Nate Robinson.
John O’Leary, Monica Jepson, Dan Ruth, Joslin Schott, Karen Fink, Rachel Longbine and Nate Robinson were present. Also present were Ken Crawford, Superintendent and Sue Rich, Board Secretary.
Longbine made a motion to approve the agenda. Seconded by Schott.
Motion carried 7-0
Cory Quail, physical education teacher and head football coach gave an update on the weight program he is using now and the football program as well. Many students are showing great progress with this weight program and record boards are posted in the secondary building showing this progress. The football program will need to buy some additional helmets, jerseys, pants and reversible jerseys for the junior high program. Several fundraisers are being planned to raise money for these items.
Mr Crawford handed out the petition language for the upcoming bond issue. He went over a couple of possible changes to the wording before this will be finalized and taken out to the school district electors for signatures. 83 signatures are required on the petition.
Mr Crawford handed out a mock up school calendar for 2024-25 and stated there would be one more calendar meeting on this Thursday before the public hearing at the April 8th board meeting to approve the calendar.
Ruth made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Schott.
Motion carried 7-0.
The work session adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
Published in The News, Thursday, April 4, 2024 L-52
Highland Community Schools
Board of Directors
Special Meeting
Monday, March 25, 2024
5:20 p.m. – Highland Board Room
The meeting was called to order at 5:36 p.m. by President Nate Robinson.
Roll call was taken with John O’Leary, Monica Jepson, Rachel Longbine, Dan Ruth, Joslin Schott, Karen Fink and Nate Robinson present. Also in attendance were Ken Crawford, Superintendent and Sue Rich, Board Secretary.
Longbine made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by O’Leary.
Motion carried 7-0
Longbine made a motion to approve the below resignations and appointment. Seconded by Jepson.
Motion carried 6-0
Fink abstained
Elizabeth Coeburn-Elementary Special Education Teacher
Madi Osman - Assistant Volleyball Coach
Mandi Niebes Lueck - Secondary Science Teacher
Brandon Devillier - Secondary Science Teacher
Patti Britt - Secondary Special Education Associate
Autumn Moyer - School Business Official (SBO) - $67,000 - Start Date 7-1-2024
Longbine made a motion to hold a closed session as provided in Section 21.5 (1) (i) of the open meetings law to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when a closed session is necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Seconded by O’Leary. Roll Call Vote-All Ayes.
5:40 pm. Motion carried 7-0
Longbine made a motion to return to open session. Seconded by Schott.
5:58 pm Motion carried 7-0
Longbine made a motion to adjourn at 5:59 p.m. Seconded by O’Leary.
Motion carried 7-0
Reports and documents and the full text of motions, resolutions, or policies considered by the Board at this meeting are on file in the Board Secretary’s office, 648-3822, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Published in The News, Thursday, April 4, 2024 L-68