Cost of this publiction: 268.14
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/24): 1109.47
JULY 2, 2024
Resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Vice Chairperson Green called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Boardroom at 9:00 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, and Royceann Porter. Members absent: Lisa Green-Douglass and Rod Sullivan.
All actions were taken by the following vote: Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Porter. Members absent: Green-Douglass, Sullivan.
County Attorney Rachel Zimmerman-Smith introduced new employees, Assistant County Attorney Katherine Schultz and Assistant County Attorney Veronica Stafford. Schultz and Stafford summarized their backgrounds.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for July 2, 2024.
Aaron Lynch 325.00
Aaron Singsank 1044.16
Abbe Center For Com 199834.57
Abbehealth Inc 95430.33
Adam Finken 476.95
Adam J Salow 325.00
Adam M Gebhart 505.00
Adeel Khan 800.00
Advance Builders Corpo 425.25
Advanced Electrical S 2000.00
Advancement Services 7770.98
Ae Outdoor Power 175.49
Aging Services Dba Pat 796.28
Aladtec Inc 7387.60
Alicia Sachtjen 120.00
Alliant Energy 141.96
Amazon.Com Capital Se 1945.18
American Home Finding 1446.15
Angela M Mulcahy 120.00
Anita Nugent 325.00
Annette F Martin 170.00
Apts In Ic Llc 800.00
Arc Of East Central I 2090.88
Arnold Motor Supply Llp 72.05
At&T Mobility 82.54
Austin Finnegan 325.00
Austin Mote 60.00
B & D Services Inc 1718.19
Banacom Signs Llc 1693.41
Barker Law Office 299.30
Benton County 97427.75
Benton County Sheriff 197.93
Blair & Fitzsimmons Pc 744.60
Blake Oleson 325.00
Bound Tree Medical Llc 23.80
Brad Keitel 325.00
Brehme Drug Inc 135.70
Bremer County 47424.75
Brenda S Essington 665.31
Brett A Campbell 325.00
Bruce D Reynolds 437.62
Buchanan County Aud 115360.50
Buchanan County Sherif 213.95
Business Radio Sales A 775.38
Cale Lehman 476.32
Cameron Johnson 90.00
Cedar Valley Communit 8425.00
Cedar Valley Mental H 5762.74
Central Iowa Detention 704.25
Challenge To Change 7369.60
Charm-Tex Inc 890.00
Chemsearch 196.45
Chris Henze 463.39
Chris J Breckner 325.00
Chuck Pence 325.00
City Laundering Co 183.59
City Of Iowa City 16254.04
City Of Iowa City - U 1003.23
City Of Iowa City-Ac 46595.33
City Of North Liberty 127.09
City Of Shueyville 52018.22
Cj Cooper & Associates 50.00
Clear Creek Amana Csd 4704.19
Community Based Servi 9178.17
Community Crisis Se 187729.47
Consumers Cooperativ 71452.84
County Of Linn 169305.75
County Of Wapello 55.20
Courtney Morgan 9.00
Crest Services 6748.11
Ctk Group Llc Dba The 500.00
Dan Powers 224.54
Daniel F White 325.00
Darrell E Davis Adult 1049.42
David G Baumgartner 168.90
Dawn Alam 236.76
Delaware County 119754.00
Delta Dental Of Iowa 10999.07
Dennis La Grange Lisw 273.95
Derek E Johnson 367.90
Dkc Real Estate Llc 2525.00
Dubuque County Audi 147100.25
Dubuque County Sherif 3989.00
Dustin R Tippie 436.24
Ecolab Pest Eliminatio 105.12
Edward Bartels 485.08
Electric Motors Of Iowa 18.66
Emerald Court Apartmen 425.00
Emergency Services Ma 5648.04
Emily E Fitzpatrick 120.00
Evergreen Estates 727.82
Exceptional Persons In 428.34
Families Inc 6957.81
Fillenwarth Beach 672.00
First Arriving Io Inc 3586.00
First Judicial Distr 21459.15
First Resources Corp 1141.42
Foundation 2 218527.63
Fresh Start Ministrie 1932.79
Galls Llc 68.51
Goodwill Industries 28782.56
Guardians Of Ne Iowa 2125.00
Halo Branded Solutions I 9.42
Hartig Pharmacy Service 10.07
Hawkeye Weld & Repair 168.00
Hawthorne Apartments 22 25.00
Heartland Business Sys 470.89
Heartland Shredding Inc 52.00
Hillcrest Family Se 191468.95
Hills And Dales Child 1187.24
Horizons A Family Servi 40.02
Hospers & Brother Prin 286.02
Hy-Vee #1281 70.00
Icon Properties Llc 600.00
Ihs Pharmacy 893.48
Imagine The Possibili 6888.66
Imon Communications Ll 800.00
Inclusion Connection I 390.33
Insight Public Sector 168.24
Inspiring Lives 6346.35
Institute Of Iowa Cert 440.00
Iowa Counties Techn 154355.10
Iowa County Attorneys 1110.00
Iowa County Auditor 24269.00
Iowa County Sheriff’s 470.36
Iowa Law Enforcement 1000.00
Iowa Northland Region 5436.00
Iowa Paper Inc 2963.52
Iowa Process Service 235.00
Irish Reporting Inc 40.70
Isac 10.00
Izet Salesevic 325.00
J & K Homes 850.00
Jarod L Webb 451.69
Jason Bulechek 325.00
Jason Jiras 325.00
Jeffrey Pitlick 505.00
Jesse Lenz 126.00
Jesse Ward 505.00
Jill Heims 180.00
Joey Lande 135.00
John R Lovetinsky 325.00
Johnson Clean Energy 5000.00
Johnson Controls Inc 1406.52
Johnson County Audi 268550.75
Johnson County Audito 5767.95
Johnson County Emer 151106.75
Johnson County Sheriff 258.09
Jonathan Lopez 325.00
Jones County Audito 102568.25
Jones County Sheriff’s 198.56
Joseph B Wilensky 13.40
Jz Orchard Holdings L 1629.50
Kce Champions Llc Site 900.00
Kelly D Steele Attorne 680.00
Keltek Incorporated 30.66
Kevin W Braddock 439.36
Keystone Area Educati 1663.60
Kirkwood Community Col 350.80
Kyle Yoder 120.00
Lagrange Pharmacy Inc 143.78
Larrabee Center Inc 2232.31
Lensing Funeral Servi 3200.00
Lexipol Llc 1133.00
Life Connection Lc 6850.00
Linde Gas & Equipment 104.76
Linder Tire Service In 717.34
Linn County Access 343427.90
Linn County Rec 347.91
Linn County Sheriff 3190.81
Liren Zhang 575.00
Ll Pelling Co Inc 62574.73
Logan Nash 162.96
Magnet Forensics Usa 59407.43
Martin Equipment Of 409638.93
Mary J Thomasson 8.50
Matt Degood 325.00
Mayra Esquivel 325.00
Mcgrath Toyota Of Io 67217.10
Mckesson Medical Surgic 42.48
Menards - Iowa City 432.79
Mercy Medical Center 19181.84
Meridian People Develo 750.00
Metropolitan Plannin 12687.00
Michael Lintz 325.00
Mid American Energy 402.68
Midland Community Sch 2448.00
Midwest Wheel & Equipme 56.60
Midwestone Bank 21750.77
Mitchell J Peters 325.00
Nami Dubuque 7800.00
Nami Of Johnson Count 5400.00
Napa Auto Parts 44.99
Nathan J Robinson 325.00
Nest Property Managem 1400.00
Nick A Ollinger 325.00
Nicole K Schrock 1600.00
North Iowa Juvenile D 1800.95
North Linn Community S 164.00
Northeast District Isa 500.00
Old Capitol Screen Prin 61.53
Optimae Lifeservices 1938.85
Ottsen Oil Co 901.94
P & K Midwest Inc 275.24
Paul R Wittau 479.95
Phelan Tucker Law Llp 613.20
Pitney Bowes Global Fi 171.99
Premistar Iowa 7024.95
Pride Group Inc 10609.75
Psc Distribution 48.79
Ptc Laboratories 1175.00
Pye Barker Fire & Safet 70.00
R J Longmuir 491.50
Randolph M Jackson 2250.00
Rapids Reproductions In 38.68
Raymond R Donovan 325.00
Reach For Your Potent 5300.58
Reece Hoffman 113.00
Rem Developmental Servi 79.68
Rem Iowa Community S 18730.75
Restoring Wellness 1500.00
Rick Havel 16.00
Rick Schwarting 325.00
Riverview Plaza Invest 850.00
Robert D Winstead 505.00
Robert G Schuerer 113.00
Rural Employment Alte 4837.87
Ryan J Curran 325.00
Schweitzer & Bajric 591.30
Scott County Sheriff 126.84
Scott L Madden 612.31
Scott Meyer 325.00
Seth D Bartlett 325.00
Shane M Goss 325.00
Shannon O Smith 485.20
Sharon Telephone Compan 49.94
Solar Technology Inc 29747.08
Solon Public Library 16042.75
Southgate Property Ma 2200.00
Staples Advantage 318.79
Star Equipment Ltd 708.69
Streichers 632.00
Successful Living 12123.71
Symmetry Health Llc 608.40
Systems Unlimited Inc 1958.85
Tailwind Iowa City Ll 1340.00
Tanager Place 11500.00
Terracon Consultants I 590.00
The Lodge Apartments 700.00
Tim Dunton 483.28
To The Rescue 56060.04
Todd Saltzman 140.85
Todd Stoolman 325.00
Tom M Villhauer 325.00
Tom Van Buer 180.00
Tony Miller 475.00
Tractor Supply Credit P 39.98
Treasurer State Of Io 7703.59
Trevor Holley 475.00
Tyler F Schneider 113.00
Unitypoint Health 1584.19
University Of Iowa Ho 1228.26
Unlimited Abilities 10080.00
Unlimited Services In 7384.42
Us Cellular 510.04
Vavroch Family Holding 800.00
Verizon Wireless 49.05
Villa Garden Apartment 750.00
Wanda L Martin 550.00
Waverly Shell Rock Co 7655.00
Wellmark Blue Cross 181000.00
West Delaware County 50000.00
Westwinds Real Estate 800.00
Westwinds Trust 700.00
White Cap Construction 85.24
Willis Dady Emergency 392.00
Windstream It-Comm.Llc 623.41
Zakary Caldwell 325.00
Motion by Porter, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of June 27, 2024.
Motion by Porter, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
Convened Public Hearing at 9:03 a.m. on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated total cost for the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Kitchen Project.
Board Office Special Projects Manager Melissa Robert presented information on the project. Porter asked if the project plans were updated to include more cost-effective kitchen equipment. Robert said plans were not revised but if the Board desires to make changes, they may proceed with the current project plans and request a change order. Robert emphasized the urgency of the project due to funding from the American Rescue Plan Act. Green noted there is Board consensus to find affordable kitchen equipment alternatives than what was originally proposed in the project plans. Board Office Local Food and Farm Manager Ilsa DeWald and Facilities Director Dave Curtis were present to answer questions. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 9:08 a.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 07-02-24-01
Summary: A public hearing was conducted on July 2, 2024 concerning plans for the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Kitchen Project. Board Action: Resolved the proposed plans, specifications, and form of contract, and estimated total cost of said project are approved. Sealed bids and bid security in the amount of 5% of the bid amount for the project will be received by the Johnson County Auditor until 1:00 PM CST, August 1, 2024. Authorized the Auditor to publish the Notice to Bidders. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to approve Resolution No. 07-02-24-01.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to set a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2024 Fall Budget Amendment, for July 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. at the Health and Human Services Building and authorize the Auditor to publish the notice of public hearing. Finance Director Dana Aschenbrenner presented an overview of the proposed budget amendment.
Motion by Porter, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the June 2024 Amendment to the Use and Identification Agreement for Winter Shelter at 340 Southgate Avenue, Iowa City, Iowa with Shelter House Community Shelter and Transition Services, Iowa City, to extend the period of licensed occupancy through October 31, 2024.
Motion by Porter, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the Fiscal Year 2025 Service Agreement with Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature, Iowa City, in an amount not to exceed $10,000.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to approve the wages and job description for the position of Ambulance Department Education/Training Supervisor, effective July 2, 2024.
Motion by Porter, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the Johnson County Cost Allocation Plan for Fiscal Year 2023 and authorize the Chair to sign the associated federal certification form.
Closed Session
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Porter, to enter into a closed session at 9:16 a.m., pursuant to Iowa Code §21.5(1)(g), to avoid disclosure of specific law enforcement matters, such as current or proposed investigations or inspection or auditing techniques or schedules, which if disclosed would enable law violators to avoid detection. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Porter. Absent: Green-Douglass, Sullivan.
Recessed at 9:17 a.m.; reconvened at 9:19 a.m.
Motion by Porter, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to leave the closed session at 9:28 a.m. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Porter. Absent: Green-Douglass, Sullivan.
Adjourned at 9:28 a.m.
/s/ Rod Sullivan, Chair, Board of Supervisors
/s/Attest: Travis Weipert, Auditor
On the 9th day of July, 2024
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on July 9, 2024.
Published in The News, Thursday, July 18, 2024 L-436