Johnson County


Cost of this publication: $204.80
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/24): $11,550.57
JANUARY 23, 2025
Resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Chairperson Green called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Building Boardroom at 9:01 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass, Mandi Remington, and Rod Sullivan.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the agenda as presented. Approved unanimously.
Public Comment - No one from the public spoke.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Sullivan, to approve the following five consent agenda items:
1. Claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for January 9, 2025, in the amount of $1,454,826.88.
4 Cs Community Coordi 3000.00
45 Drives Manufactur 14482.55
965 Flats Llc 700.00
Abc Disposal Systems 1144.80
Ace Reporting 64.75
Action Sewer & Septic 122.00
Adam M Gebhart 149.00
Aging Services Inc 200.00
Alcohol Monitoring Syst 78.60
Alissa Schuerer 107.00
Allan Poots & Associat 675.00
Amazon.Com Capital Se 1346.05
American Home Finding 1446.15
Amn Language Services 281.61
Anixter Inc 2915.32
Arnold Motor Supply Ll 154.15
Avaap Usa Llc 182180.02
B&H Photo Video Pro A 1291.68
Big 10 University Towi 200.00
Bill Weldon 15.00
Blue Star Pest Solutio 200.00
Bound Tree Medical Ll 3307.71
Brent A Buszka 23.59
Bret Mclaughlin 342.00
Brett A Campbell 135.99
Brogosolo 850.00
Bruce M Floyd 18.04
Business Radio Sales A 714.13
Cale Lehman 103.00
Calibre Press 359.00
Cedar County Auditor 3695.31
Central Iowa Distribut 354.00
Centurylink 107.67
Charm-Tex Inc 3108.80
Christopher Moore 213.95
City Of Iowa City - L 4233.82
City Of Iowa City - U 1826.41
City Of Iowa City-Acco 100.42
Claim.Md Inc 1320.00
Consumers Cooperative 2580.46
Copy Systems Inc 77.30
Coralville United Meth 100.00
Cott Systems 2405.00
Dan’s Overhead Doors 65.00
Deery Brothers 11834.84
Delta Dental Of Iowa 9193.19
Dive Rescue Internatio 210.63
Eastern Iowa Light & Po 18.75
Eckrich Tool 39.00
Edward Bartels 168.00
Electric Motors Of Iow 306.90
Emerson Point Apartmen 650.00
Eo Johnson Business Te 813.27
Fastenal Company 8.98
G&L Rentals 800.00
Galls Llc 2463.18
Gannett Iowa Localiq 2348.33
Gaslight Village Llc 485.00
Gatr Truck Center 1325.74
Gjmd Llc 1700.00
Good Shepherd Center 1600.00
Hacap 42450.68
Hawkeye Weld & Repair I 32.50
Heartland Shredding In 287.00
Helping Hands Play Sc 2410.85
Henry County Health Ce 522.00
Henry Schein 434.45
Hindsight Development 370.00
Holiday Mobile Home Co 370.00
Holiday Wrecker & Cran 272.50
Holmes Investments Llc 850.00
Home Ties Child Care 1113.88
Horizon Management Llc 700.00
Hospers & Brother Prin 849.39
House Of Trophies 39.95
Hy-Vee #1281 53.87
Iowa City Community Sc 409.09
Iowa Department Of Nat 300.00
Iowa Law Enforcement A 150.00
Iowa Legal Aid 4180.80
Iowa Medicaid Enterp 36254.85
Iowa Paper Inc 712.32
Iowa Public Health Ass 500.00
Iowa State Prison Ind 1689.92
Iowa State University 1210.00
Iowa Valley Habitat 25108.76
Iowa Valley Rc&D 1761.19
Irish Reporting Inc 111.00
Isac 660.00
J & Kp Llc 450.00
J&S Plumbing Heating A 180.00
Jasro Llc 700.00
Jmg Properties 700.00
Johnson County Audito 6417.91
Johnson County Auditor 2.63
Johnson County Emerg 88899.48
Johnson County Refuse 102.89
Johnson County Seats 19586.38
Johnson County Second 2280.92
Johnson County Sheri 35175.00
Joint Emergency Comm 88899.48
Jon William Smith 22.00
Jonathan Wieland 50.00
Joseph Andrew Voyles 22.00
Joshua F Busard 47.00
Karen A Stueland 195.00
Kay Carr 9.50
Kelly Schneider 25.46
Kiecks Career Apparel 7.50
Kimball Midwest 148.60
Lemus Rentals Llc 700.00
Lenovo (United States 6140.00
Linde Gas & Equipment I 80.33
Linn County Rec 125.91
Linn County Sheriff 21660.00
Linn County Treasurer 2083.33
Little Angels Learnin 2344.00
Little Clippers Child 5909.18
Lynette Jacoby 37.76
Mac Real Estate Llc 700.00
Madison National Life 5204.73
Matthew Tracy 42.39
Matthew Welch 194.45
Mckesson Medical Surgic 25.53
Medline Industries Inc 409.23
Menards - Iowa City 231.78
Mgsi Ltd 218.00
Michael P Maher 675.00
Mid American Energy 19572.54
Midwest Janitorial Se 3009.46
Midwest Wheel & Equipm 530.70
Mike Lange 850.00
Modern Manor Inc 733.00
Muller Plumbing & Heat 306.91
Neighborhood Centers 14924.40
Northwest Iowa Youth 42795.00
Office Express Office 283.86
Office Machine Consulta 39.77
Opn Architects 8800.50
Owa Patch/Midwest Pat 1190.00
Owens King Company 55.35
Pacer Service Center 157.30
Pacific Interpreters 106.50
Park Place Apartments 532.00
Pb Body Shop 958.38
Pip Printing & Marketin 81.68
Pitney Bowes Inc 91.29
Ppg Architectural Fini 926.23
Premistar Iowa 1636.76
Priscilla Ludvicek 185.50
Progressive Rehabilitat 78.00
Psc Distribution 13.38
Purple Bloom School 14628.48
Pww Advisory Group Ll 5700.00
Pyramid Services Inc. 105.40
Radio Engineering Ind 7703.60
Rapids Reproductions In 38.68
Ricoh Usa Inc 135.41
River Products Co 504.38
Samsara Inc 5732.93
Sandra Fordice 800.00
Secretary Of State 30.00
Sharon Telephone Comp 1152.40
Society Of Land Survey 140.00
Staples Advantage 365.19
State Of Iowa 200.00
Stevan Nachazel 70.35
Storey Kenworthy Corp 58.03
Streichers 2294.98
Stryker Medical 3351.70
Student Publications I 801.49
Summit Food Service 24010.77
The Holub Apartments 700.00
The Lodge Apartments 1400.00
Thomas Bus Sales Of Io 248.63
Titan Machinery 4182.66
Travis Weipert 849.99
Treasurer State Of Io 1218.75
Tripspark Technologi 25932.98
Trizetto Provider Sol 1423.32
Truck Country Of Iowa 320.85
United Healthcare Serv 352.49
Verizon Wireless 257.31
Visa 35848.42
Visiting Nurse Associ 1290.30
Wellmark Blue Cross 511926.76
White Posts 9155.00
Wright House Of Fashi 8216.66
Zavash Zarei 551.00
2. The minutes of the Formal Meeting Minutes of January 16, 2025.
3. Payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials
4. Acknowledge receipt of Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on December 9, 2024, and the Report of the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting of January 13, 2025.
5. Receive and place on file the Clerk of Court’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 2024, in the amount of $35, 762.73, as submitted by Clerk of District Court Alison Meade.
Approved unanimously.
RESOLUTION NO. 01-23-25-01
Summary: The Johnson County Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its report and recommendations for certain actions. Board Action: Set a public hearing for February 13, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. CT in Room 203 B/C, Johnson County Health & Human Services Building, 855 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Iowa, on the following applications: Zoning applications filed by Raymond Slach (PZC-24-28584), David Brown (PZC-24-28624), Nicklas Hlavacek (PZC-24-28637); and platting applications filed by Raymond Slach (PZC-24-28585), Tony Serbousek, signed by Jerry Serbousek (PZC-24-28623), Herbet Farms, Inc. (PZC-24-28626), David Brown (PZC-24-28627). Authorize the County Auditor to publish the official notice of the above public hearing. Motion by Remington second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Resolution No. 01-23-25-01, effective January 23, 2025. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Sullivan second by Green-Douglass, to approve a 28E Agreement with the Cities of North Liberty, Tiffin and Coralville for construction of a roundabout at Jasper Ave. and Forevergreen Rd. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Remington, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to designate Snyder and Associates, LLC, Fort Dodge, to serve as Johnson County Inspector in the construction of MidAmerican Energy Company’s gas pipeline extension project, as described in on-site inspection Iowa Utilities Commission Docket No. P-0877. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Remington, to approve Change Order No. 006 with McComas-Lacina Construction LC, Iowa City, for the Administration and Health and Human Services Buildings Remodeling Project in the amount of $62,670.72. Approved unanimously.
RESOLUTION NO. 01-23-25-02
Summary: The Board has determined the Sheriff’s Office and County Jail need repair or replacement and understands the City of Iowa City is considering a new municipal facility that may include a Police Department. The Board believes there could be cost and operational efficiencies in a joint facility with the City of Iowa City. Board Action: Resolved that additional investigations and preparations are necessary to prove assumptions and provide potential plan of action and formally request if the Iowa City City Council favors discussion of a joint facility. Motion by Remington, second by Sullivan, to approve Resolution No. 01-23-25-02, effective January 23, 2025. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Remington, to approve the revised job description for the position of Conservation Director, effective January 23, 2025. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the revised job description for the position of County Engineer, effective January 23, 202. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the proposed ordinance codifying Johnson County Code of Ordinances -Volume Two, Unified Development Ordinance on second consideration. Approved unanimously.
Adjourned at 9:24 a.m.
/s/Jon Green, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/ Julie Persons, Auditor
On the 30th day of January, 2025
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board.
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on January 30, 2025.

Published in The News, Thursday, February 6, 2025 L-333