Cost of this publication: $360.14
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/24): $11,345.97
JANUARY 16, 2025
Ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Chairperson Green called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Building Boardroom at 9:01 a.m. Members present: V Fixmer-Oraiz, Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass, and Rod Sullivan. Members absent: Mandi Remington.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Sullivan, to approve the agenda as presented except by striking the words from agenda item E.8 “and second”. Approved unanimously.
Public Comment - No one from the public spoke.
PROCLAMATION NO. 01-16-25-01
Summary: Dr. King’s unwavering commitment to nonviolent activism and his powerful words continue to resonate, urging us to embrace diversity, foster inclusion, and strive for a world free from discrimination and prejudice and the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday and Service Act, signed into law in 1994, established Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a National Day of Service, encouraging individuals of all backgrounds to unite in service to their communities and embody the spirit of compassion and solidarity that Dr. King exemplified throughout his life. Board Action: Proclaim Monday, January 20, 2025, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Johnson County and urge all people commemorate this day by engaging in acts of service, promoting equality and justice, and reflecting on Dr. King’s teachings to further the cause of peace, unity, and understanding among all people. Motion by Sullivan, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Proclamation No. 01-16-25-01. Approved unanimously.
PROCLAMATION NO. 01-16-25-02
Summary: The COVID-19 pandemic created an economic hardship for many Johnson County residents, with lower and moderate-income households disproportionately impacted and through dedication and hard work the Johnson County General Assistance Team of Susan Campney, Jessica Beck, Jon Trouten, Sade Creach and Peter Nkumu, helped meet the emergency housing needs of 2,191 unique households through 6,000 assists, an increase of 320 percent.
Board Action: Proclaim Thursday, January 16, 2025, as Johnson County General Assistance Team Appreciation Day in Johnson County and call upon residents to join us in thanking the General Assistance Team for their commitment and dedication to responding to the emergency housing needs during the pandemic and thereby improving housing stability for thousands of residents. Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Proclamation No. 01-16-25-02. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the following five consent agenda items:
1. To approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for January 16, 2025, in the amount of $1,434,448.78:
Aarp Medicare Complete 333.14
Abbe Center For Comm 23243.39
Abbehealth Inc 166504.00
Acid Remap Llc 2500.00
Adam Grier 180.00
Adam Lee Bylerly 1700.00
Afc International Inc 436.20
Aging Services Inc 1486.08
Airgas Usa Llc 147.92
Alissa Schuerer 189.00
Alliant Energy 41.04
Amanda Aird Kuhl 412.92
Amazon.Com Capital Se 2183.89
Amelia Slaichert 16.75
American Checked Inc 23.50
Andreas Wilz 43.64
Andy Neuzil 105.00
Apartments At Iowa 700.00
Apts In Ic Llc 700.00
Arnold Motor Supply Ll 167.27
Ashlie Ryane Lauer 607.92
At&T Mobility 569.39
Aureon Communications 2466.03
Automated Flagpole Par 545.55
B & D Services Inc 731.64
Banacom Signs Llc 130.00
Bedrelddin D Ahmed 400.00
Ben Campbell 85.00
Billion Of Iowa City 646.28
Blair & Fitzsimmons Pc 186.15
Bluepath Finance Fc I 1106.85
Bound Tree Medical Ll 3204.91
Brad Comer 180.00
Brent A Buszka 19.00
Brighten Properties 750.00
Broulik Painting And 4672.00
Bruce Thomas Mcavoy 140.00
Buchanan County Sheriff 79.18
Buchanan Housing Inc 400.00
Business Radio Sales 3088.16
Caring Hands & More L 2020.22
Center For Worker Jus 8767.32
Center Point Urbana C 1271.82
Challenge To Change 26700.00
Charles Heath 665.00
Charm Homes 2865.83
Chicago Hollow Metal 1665.00
Cigna 706.00
City Laundering Co 375.48
City Of Iowa City - Lan 54.15
City Of Iowa City - Ut 420.14
City Of Iowa City-Acco 379.75
City Tractor Co 4995.50
Cj Cooper & Associates 50.00
Coffelt & Zwick Holdi 1450.00
College Community Sch 4436.00
Compass Minerals Amer 4152.56
Concord Technologies 366.30
Consumers Cooperativ 20350.25
Corporate Translation 151.17
Cory R Gonzales Pl 69.33
Covenant Workplace So 2494.74
Cozo 200.00
Custom Hose & Supplies 227.91
D & R Pest Control 110.00
Daida 1768.22
Dan’s Overhead Doors 3840.10
Deborah Seymour Guard 16.00
Deborah Vandergaast 134.67
Deery Brothers Ford 27015.28
Delaware County Commun 750.00
Delaware County Sheriff 84.48
Delta Dental Of Iowa 5289.42
Dennis La Grange Lisw 273.95
Derek E Johnson 1508.89
Des Moines Stamp Manufa 76.00
Dive Right In Scuba Inc 49.90
Docusign Inc 7413.12
Dominic Pernetti 207.00
Doran A Williams 53.00
East Central Iowa Cou 1950.00
Eastern Iowa Tire Inc 5317.76
Ems Learning Resources C 8.50
Energy Control Of Iow 5616.00
Engineering Machine S 1540.00
Eo Johnson Business T 1373.47
Esjay Creative Works 9000.00
Eso Solutions Inc 1099.00
Fareway Stores 59.85
Farmers Electric Coope 479.02
Fidelity Security Lif 3869.64
Fin & Feather Sports 1680.00
Foundation 2 232189.88
Frog Hollow Kid Campu 2030.46
Full Circle Services 6728.53
Galls Llc 5120.55
Gannett Iowa Localiq 482.00
Gatr Truck Center 2284.91
Gazette Communications 100.38
Goodfellow Printing I 1708.00
Grant Wood Aea 4975.40
Greater Iowa City Area 580.00
Harris Erp-A Division 557.02
Hawk Wash Llc 371.00
Hawkeye Communication 1715.00
Hawkeye Title Services 425.00
Heartland Language Ser 173.00
Heartland Shredding In 196.00
Henry Schein 2777.62
Hillcrest Family Ser 11582.56
Holiday Mobile Home Co 850.00
Holiday Wrecker & Cran 272.50
Holly Jean Rushford 18.00
Hospers & Brother Prin 285.29
Hr-One Source 167.90
Ic Compassion 11145.37
Icu Medical Sales Inc 393.75
Ihs Pharmacy 1376.14
Insight Public Sector 23.26
Institute Of Iowa Cert 750.00
Integrated Telehealt 18808.62
Interactive Data Llc 235.50
Interstate All Batter 1077.75
Iowa City Mhp Llc 1124.00
Iowa City Sober Living 664.91
Iowa Paper Inc 1387.11
Iowa State Associatio 2200.00
Irish Reporting Inc 86.95
Isac 420.00
J & J Investment Holdi 660.48
J Harding Inc 935.00
Jan Shaw 227.42
Jeanne A Strand 94.35
Jennifer Miller 66.33
Jennifer Scott 1154.44
Johnson County Audit 13964.06
Johnson County Public 3416.27
Johnson County Sherif 2228.27
Joint Emergency Communi 70.07
Josephine Dalton 258.96
Joshua F Busard 40.00
Jpn Real Estate Group 675.00
Kalona Tire 690.96
Lake Ridge Inc 700.00
Language Line Services I 9.60
Larrabee Center Inc 1020.42
Laurie Rovelstad 8.44
Lenovo (United States 6140.00
Lensing Funeral Servi 2200.00
Life Assist Inc 278.22
Linde Gas & Equipment 185.27
Lindeman Law 510.00
Lindsey Jones 180.00
Linn County Access 127743.35
Linn County Rec 655.14
Lisa A Waul 56.28
Little Angels Learnin 2344.00
Little Clippers Child 1120.80
Lone Tree Preschool 90.00
Lowe’s 12.32
M68 Apartments 800.00
Marks Auto Body Inc 7057.44
Mary J Thomasson 4.50
Matheson Tri Gas 604.38
Maya Simon 40.00
Mccomas Lacina Const 87381.95
Medical Associates Cl 1436.00
Medline Industries Inc 545.64
Melrose Daycare 933.45
Menards - Iowa City 690.10
Mid American Energy 29.32
Midwest Frame & Axle 1782.11
Midwest Wheel & Equipm 152.52
Minnesota Hoist Inspe 2563.84
Mission Communication 7000.00
Moxant Financial Llc 702.37
Napa Auto Parts 908.50
Natalia Portal Figuero 684.00
Neighborhood Centers 2957.94
Neil Bombei 207.00
Nest Property Managem 1550.00
Neumann Monson Pc 3171.80
North American Rescue 896.52
North Star Community 1398.19
O’brien County Sheriff 558.30
Office Express Office 492.99
Om Home Llc 225.00
Optimae Lifeservices 13067.89
Ottsen Oil Co 1101.06
Patricia D Desjardins 96.26
Pestpros 400.00
Pheasant Ridge Apartme 239.00
Phelan Tucker Law Llp 342.00
Pip Printing & Marketi 209.09
Pitney Bowes Global Fi 171.99
Premistar Iowa 3582.17
Prodigy Ems Inc 6955.00
Psc Distribution 70.13
Push Pedal Pull 300.00
Pye Barker Fire & Safe 950.00
Pyramid Services Inc. 4.03
Quadient Finance Usa I 409.33
Rapids Reproductions In 72.75
Raymond J Jiras 1260.00
Rescue Products Intern 674.00
Richard Woodburn 700.00
Rickard Sign & Design 280.00
Robert Thul 180.00
S & G Materials 10273.30
Sanofi Pasteur Inc 4782.14
Schindler Elevator Cor 333.06
Schweitzer & Bajric 1254.00
Sean Michael Davis 400.00
Solon Hardware 120.00
South Slope Coop Comm 1238.01
Spenler Tire 2689.48
Spire Property Managem 550.00
Spok Inc 64.95
Srei Llc 750.00
Staples Advantage 1179.55
State Medical Examine 4323.00
Stephen Stonebraker 10.00
Stericycle 99.58
Steven Nash 101.50
Stitch In Time Inc 65.00
Storey Kenworthy Corp 773.48
Successful Living 4667.49
Symmetry Health Llc 1140.03
Tac 1 Systems 94.00
Tailwind Iowa City Llc 620.00
Tanager Place 28731.01
Teleflex Llc 5880.00
Teletask Inc 2600.00
Terracon Consultants 1155.25
The Braun Corporation 621.70
The Lodge Apartments 1450.00
The News 1559.62
The Rawlings Company L 925.93
Thomson Reuters-West 125.97
Tk Elevator Corp 822.50
Tms Inc 453.60
To The Rescue 4110.00
Transit Works 445.00
Treasurer State Of I 23348.49
Tri-City Electric Com 1485.00
Ui Diagnostic Labora 23989.88
United States Postal 10000.00
Unitypoint Health 5026.05
University Of Iowa 14738.95
University Of Iowa De 5855.35
University Of Iowa Ho 1282.25
University Of Iowa Ho 2546.00
University Of Iowa Pom 400.00
Us Cellular 1214.53
Valley Forge Llc 750.00
Van Meter Industrial In 21.94
Vantage Point Llc 10000.00
Verizon Wireless 240.06
Vesper Iowa City Llc 549.00
Villa Garden Apartment 700.00
Visa 35498.52
Wellmark Blue Cross 181000.00
Westview Investments 700.00
Westwood Pharmacy 612.42
Williamsburg Communit 4683.28
2. To approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2025.
3. To approve payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials.
4. To receive and place on file the Auditor’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2024, in the amount of $2,414.00, as submitted by County Auditor Julie Persons.
5. To receive and place on file the Sheriff’s Report of Fees Collected for the quarter ending December 31, 2024, in the amount of $34,819.16, as submitted by County Sheriff Brad Kunkel.
Approved unanimously.
ORDINANCE NO. 01-16-25-01
Zoning Application PZC-24-28625
Summary: The purpose of this ordinance is to amend the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance by changing the classification of the real estate described below from A-Agricultural to R-Residential located in Union Township to wit: A Portion of the Northeast One-Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 27, Township 79 North, Range 7 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the East One-Quarter Corner of Section 27, Township 79 North, Range 7 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Iowa; Thence S00°19’07”E, along the East Line of the Southeast One-Quarter of Said Section 27, a Distance of 1007.04 Feet; Thence S89°24’17”W, 332.50 Feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence S00°35’43”E, 256.43 Feet to the Centerline of Black Diamond Road Sw (also Known as County Road F52); Thence N76°59’36”W, Along Said Centerline, 329.23 Feet; Thence N00°35’43”W, 179.00 Feet; Thence N89°24’17”E, 320.00 Feet to the Point of Beginning, Containing 1.60 Acres and is Subject to Easements and Restrictions of Record is hereby changed from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. Effective Date: After its passage, approval, and publication as part of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors, only upon recording of a subdivision or Boundary Line Adjustment of the subject property which contains only one zoning district per lot. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24- 28625 on third and final consideration, subject to the conditions as outlined in the ordinance, and approve Ordinance No. 01-16-25-01 amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; absent: Remington.
ORDINANCE NO. 01-16-25-02
Zoning Application PZC-24-28602
Summary: The purpose of this ordinance is to amend the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance by changing the classification of the real estate described below from A-Agricultural to R-Residential located in Jefferson Township to wit: A Portion of the Northeast One-Quarter of the Northwest One-Quarter of Section 14, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Iowa More Particularly Described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Lot 4, Forest Hills Subdivision, Johnson County, Iowa, According to the Plat Recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 134 in the Records of the Johnson County Recorder’s Office; Thence N00°54’41”W, Along the East Line of Said Lot 4 and Lot 3 of Said Forest Hills Subdivision, 389.73 Feet to a Point On the Centerline of Sandy Beach Road NE; Thence Southeasterly, 193.13 Feet, Along Said Centerline and an arc of a 2292.36 Foot Radius Curve, Concave Northeasterly, Whose 193.07 Foot Chord Bears S57°15’20”E to the Most Southerly Corner of Deerfield Subdivision, Johnson County, Iowa, According to the Plat Recorded in Plat Book 30, Page 276 in Said Recorder’s office; Thence S03°21’48”E, 41.16 Feet to the Northwest Corner of Lot No. 3, According to the Subdivision of the East 7.5 Acres of the Northeast One-Quarter of the Northwest One-Quarter of Section 14, Township 81 North, Range 7 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Iowa as Recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 385 in Said Recorder’s Office; Thence S02°34’44”E, Along the West Line of Said Lot No. 3, a Distance of 243.31 Feet to the Southwest Corner of Said Lot No. 3, Said Point Also Being On the North Line of Lot 10, Forest Hills Subdivision-Part Two, Johnson County, Iowa, According to the Plat Recorded in Plat Book 32, Page 302 in Said Recorder’s office; Thence S89°37’41”W, Along Said North Line of Lot 10, a Distance of 169.56 Feet to the Point of Beginning, Containing 1.27 Acres and is Subject to Easements and Restrictions of Record is hereby changed from A-Agricultural to R-Residential. Effective Date: After its passage, approval, and publication as part of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24- 28602 on third and final consideration and approve Ordinance No. 01-16-25-02 amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; absent: Remington.
ORDINANCE NO. 01-16-25-03
Zoning Application PZC-24-28601
Summary: The purpose of this ordinance is to amend the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance by changing the classification of the real estate described below from A-Agricultural to C-AG – Agri-Business. This change in classification is subject to additional conditions imposed by a Conditional Zoning Agreement in accordance with Iowa Code Sec. 335.7 and recorded contemporaneously herewith. Said Conditional Zoning Agreement was agreed to in writing by the property owners, 64 Farms LLC and CTM Holdings LLC, and the applicant, Fiddlehead Gardens, LLC, prior to the public hearing required or any adjournment thereof. The zoning classification of the following described real estate located in Union Township to wit: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Section 11, Township 79 North, Range 7 West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Johnson County, Iowa; Thence S89°17’42”W, Along the South Line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 11, a Distance Of 480.03 Feet; Thence N00°03’04”W, 840.20 Feet; Thence N89°56’56”E, 480.00 Feet, to a Point on the East Line of the Southeast Quarter of Said Section 11; Thence S00°03’04”E, Along said East Line, 834.72 Feet, to the Point of Beginning. Said Auditor’s Parcel 2024064 Contains 9.23 Acres and is Subject to Easements and Restrictions of Record is hereby changed from A-Agricultural to C-AG – Agri-Business. Effective Date: After its passage, approval, and publication as part of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors and recording of a subdivision of the subject property which contains only one zoning district per lot. Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Sullivan, to approve the proposed ordinance associated with Zoning Application PZC-24- 28601 on third and final consideration and approve Ordinance No. 01-16-25-03 amending the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; absent: Remington.
RESOLUTION NO. 01-16-25-01
2365 HWY 6 NW
Summary: Application PZC-24-28634 was filed for Site Plan approval to construct a building for a landscaping business on the parcel addressed as 2365 HWY 6 NW, Tiffin. The site plan was reviewed by the Johnson County Engineer, Johnson County Public Health, and Johnson County Planning, Development, and Sustainability Departments and conforms with the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance.
Board Action: Approved the Site Plan and authorize the Zoning Administrator to issue permits for this site in accordance with the standards set forth in the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance. Motion by Sullivan, second by Fixmer-Oraiz, to approve Resolution No. 01-16-25-01, effective January 16, 2025. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to designate Ed Bartels as Interim County Engineer, effective at the end of business day on January 31, 2025. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to approve Change Order No. 001 for the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Kitchen Project with Peak Construction Group Inc., North Liberty, in the amount of $47,901.68. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Green-Douglass, to approve proposal from McComas-Lacina Construction LC, Iowa City, for repairs and renovations at the 1102 Hollywood Boulevard property in an amount not to exceed $500,000. Approved unanimously.
Motion by Fixmer-Oraiz, second by Sullivan, to approve the proposed ordinance codifying Johnson County Code of Ordinances -Volume Two, Unified Development Ordinance on first consideration. Roll call: Aye: Fixmer-Oraiz, Green, Green-Douglass, Sullivan; Remington. Approved unanimously. Assistant PDS Director Nate Mueller spoke.
Adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
/s/ Jon Green, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: /s/ Julie Persons, Auditor
On the 23rd day of January 2025
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on January 23, 2025.
Published in The News, Thursday, January 30, 2025 L-629