Johnson County May 23, 2024


Cost of this publiction: 260.02
Fiscal year to date cost
(as of 7/1/23): 14,714.96
MAY 23, 2024
Proclamations and resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and at
Chairperson Sullivan called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Health and Human Services Boardroom at 9:00 a.m. Members present: Jon Green, Lisa Green-Douglass, Royceann Porter, and Rod Sullivan. Members absent: V Fixmer-Oraiz.
Unless otherwise noted, all actions were taken by the following vote: Roll call: Aye: Green, Green-Douglass, Porter, Sullivan. Members absent: Fixmer-Oraiz.
PROCLAMATION NO. 05-23-24-01
MAY 27, 2024
Summary: On Memorial Day we pause to honor the fallen heroes who died in service; throughout history, in fields, skies, and seas around the world, American military personnel have given their lives to defend our liberty and uphold the promise of our democracy. Johnson County pledges to remember and honor our fallen heroes, and to preserve their legacy for future generations. Board Action: The Board recognizes Veterans on Memorial Day on Monday, May 27, 2024, and urge residents to observe this day with solemnity and reflection, to participate in ceremonies and activities that honor our fallen heroes, and to express heartfelt appreciation to all who have served and continue to serve our nation. Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve Proclamation No. 05-23-24-01. Veterans Affairs Veteran Service Officer Mandy Coates and family members of Veteran and former Johnson County employee R.J. Moore spoke.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve the claims on the Auditor’s Claim Register for May 23, 2024.
2430 Muscatine Llc 1625.00
611 N Johnson Llc 1400.00
Abbe Center For Comm 76930.73
Action Sewer & Septic 110.00
Adeel Khan 800.00
Advancement Services 7628.57
Ae Outdoor Power 1.44
Afsie Dental Care 800.00
Aging Services Dba Pa 7816.00
Airgas Usa Llc 196.82
Allendan Seed Company 895.00
Alliant Energy 303.33
Amazon.Com Capital Se 3376.85
Angela Ruess 700.00
Anixter Inc 1675.87
Annette F Martin 510.00
Arc Of Southeast Iowa 1964.84
Arnold Motor Supply L 1306.54
Benton County Access 6142.69
Benton County Sheriff T 78.40
Benton County Transpor 660.24
Betty Norbeck 500.00
Big 10 University Towi 522.00
Big Brothers Big Siste 500.59
Bjjb Investments Llc 700.00
Black Hawk County Sheri 36.70
Blair & Fitzsimmons Pc 54.75
Blue Shield Tactical S 159.96
Bremer County Sheriff 94.50
Brenda S Essington 796.63
Brian K Kahler 495.27
Brighten Properties 850.00
Business Radio Sales A 400.00
Cadence Education Llc 1640.00
Caring Hands & More Ll 278.10
Catholic Charties Of T 900.00
Cedar Valley Mental H 1699.84
Cedar Valley Ranch I 47421.34
Century Laundry Distri 189.00
Challenge To Change 26600.00
Charm Homes 1130.00
Cheyane Sladek 850.00
Chris J Breckner 150.00
City Laundering Co 526.48
City Of Iowa City 20.00
City Of Iowa City - U 1812.31
City Of Iowa City-Acco 501.20
City Of North Liberty 415.98
City Tractor Co 14.87
Clear Creek Mobile Hom 509.00
Community & Family Re 2500.00
Compass Minerals Ame 27061.56
Copy Systems Inc 28.50
Coralville Lake Marina 316.00
Cr Care Pharmacy 225.34
Cr Signs Inc 84.00
Crest Services 6517.30
Custom Hose & Supplies 328.01
Dans Overhead Doors 78.00
Darrell E Davis Adult 988.15
David J Roberts 69.68
David W Broll 381.52
Deery Brothers 164.80
Delaware County Communi 56.39
Delaware County Sherif 275.02
Delta Dental Of Iowa 7308.35
Derek E Johnson 220.36
Discovery Living Inc 25000.00
Dkc Real Estate Llc 725.00
Dream City 3924.23
Dubuque County Sheriff 899.00
E O Johnson Business T 333.27
Earlene Angell 20000.00
Eide Bailly Llp 12000.00
Election Systems & Sof 297.18
Electric Motors Of Iow 309.12
Ellipsis Inc 1539.45
Evergreen Estates 738.45
Families Inc 7300.00
Fast Trans 9192.75
First Resources Corp 1104.60
Foundation 2 20770.00
Four Oaks Family And Ch 75.00
Fresh Start Ministrie 1744.08
Frog Hollow Kid Campu 2430.40
Gannett Iowa Localiq 2127.28
Gazette Communications 695.44
Goodfellow Printing I 8018.00
Goodwill Industries O 7149.00
Greater Ic Housing Fel 800.00
Gregory D Wagner 40.00
Guardians Of Ne Iowa 2125.00
Hansch Llc 750.00
Hart-Frederick Consu 37250.00
Hawthorne Apartments 22 25.00
Heartland Shredding Inc 80.00
Heartland Strategies 7500.00
Hillcrest Family Se 126889.09
Holiday Mobile Home C 1150.00
Home Ties Child Care 2232.91
Horizon Capital Invest 750.00
Horizons A Family Servi 40.02
Hy-Vee #1281 903.68
Ic Housing Group Llc 800.00
Idemia Identity & Sec 1540.00
Imagine The Possibili 9007.83
Inclusion Connection I 390.33
Independence Police Dep 34.98
Ines Beltre 202.48
Interstate All Batter 1893.70
Iowa Audiology & Heari 140.00
Iowa County Attorneys A 75.00
Iowa County Sheriff’s 260.40
Iowa Division Of The I 375.00
Iowa Organization For 375.00
Iowa Paper Inc 970.47
Iowa State Prison Indu 145.00
Iowa State University 160.00
J & J Real Estate 695.00
James E Feger Consult 4000.00
James P Jensen 700.00
Jim Bys 40.00
Jll Valuation & Advis 9000.00
Joanna Carol Hall 715.50
John Deere Financial F 132.30
Johnson Controls Inc 678.52
Johnson County Audito 1298.96
Johnson County Audito 2126.85
Johnson County Auditor 183.39
Johnson County Refuse 1460.80
Johnson County Seats 28415.19
Johnson County Sherif 8039.05
Jones County Jets 1894.54
Joyce Ellen Berg 148.00
Jpn Real Estate Group 1350.00
Jz Orchard Holdings Ll 700.00
Katrina Rudish 163.80
Kiesler Police Supply 2560.30
Kimball Midwest 1981.03
Kirkwood Community Col 125.00
Krista Burich 17.60
Lagrange Pharmacy Inc 97.00
Larrabee Center Inc 1266.17
Larry Schott 1214.99
Larry Svec 40.00
Laura Debuhr 1220.00
Laurie Nash 78.99
Law Offices Of Jeffre 1190.00
Letcher Drew O 16.08
Life Connections Peer 7952.00
Linder Tire Service I 1279.20
Lindsey Jones 176.48
Linn County Sheriff 14829.35
Linn County Treasurer 2083.33
Liren Zhang 850.00
Little Clippers Child 1121.00
Ll Pelling Co Inc 44061.52
Mac Real Estate Llc 850.00
Madison National Life 5087.32
Mail Services Llc 2034.88
Mariah Brocka 75.00
Martin’s Yardsmart 1288.00
Mccomas Lacina Cons 648530.00
Mechanical Service 1657.00
Mediapolis Care Faci 25413.78
Medical Associates Cl 5471.00
Menards - Iowa City 273.41
Meridian People Develo 500.00
Mid American Energy 6726.11
Midwest Janitorial Se 3333.83
Moco Llc 700.00
Mohammad Chaichian C/O 700.00
Moxant Financial Llc 246.53
Napa Auto Parts 336.07
National Medical Servi 239.00
Nelson & Toenjes Attor 153.30
Night Owl Support Syst 285.00
North Iowa Juvenile D 6548.43
Northwest Iowa Youth E 617.00
Office Express Office P 16.90
Office Machine Consulta 81.63
Om Home Llc 150.00
One Iowa 1200.00
Ottsen Oil Co 3662.05
Pacific Interpreters 141.00
Patricia D Desjardins 243.32
Pazdernik Law Office 115.60
Peterson Contractors 1794.50
Phelan Tucker Law Llp 1146.10
Pip Printing & Marketi 600.17
Polk County Sheriff’s O 45.72
Postmaster 320.00
Purple Bloom School L 2004.00
Quadient Inc 111.00
Quality Home Repair Ll 600.00
Ray Oherron Co Inc 497.00
Reach For Your Potent 2464.92
Ricoh Usa Inc 201.06
River City Property Ma 700.00
River Products Co 796285.33
Robert Arbuckle 13.40
Robert I Crawford 18.76
Rod Sullivan 42.40
Rural Employment Alte 5722.61
Savannah Village Lp 805.00
Schweitzer & Bajric 262.80
Scott Rentals Llc 750.00
Secretary Of State 30.00
Security Storage 650.00
Sherry Kovar 300.00
Sioux Rivers Region 580.00
Southgate Property Man 800.00
Spire Property Manage 1406.62
Stanard & Associates I 187.50
Steves Electric Inc 416.90
Stitch In Time Inc 218.50
Storey Kenworthy Corp 1379.00
Streichers 379.00
Summit Food Service 23331.61
Symmetry Health Llc 973.44
Tailwind Iowa City Llc 640.00
Tanager Place 7295.20
The Lodge Apartments 2150.00
The Mane Gate Llc Dba: 700.00
Titan Machinery 243.40
To The Rescue 3438.70
Treasurer State Of Io 1125.00
Truck Country Of Iowa 2444.49
Unitypoint Health 606.00
Unitypoint Lifeline 45.00
Unlimited Abilities 500.00
Us Cellular 726.69
Visa 872.24
Wellmark Blue Cross 560091.64
Wendling Quarries In 76143.67
Westwinds Real Estate 666.00
William A Lansing Pc 742.38
Willis Dady Emergency 868.00
Winneshiek County Sheri 44.30
Workday Inc 49000.00
Your Best Interest Llc 300.00
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of May 16, 2024.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the application for alcohol license for Traveling Tapster LLC as contained in the agenda packet of this meeting.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to receive and place on file the Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected for the month of April 2024, in the amount of $213,798.14, as submitted by County Recorder Kim Painter.
The Board acknowledged receipt of the April 8, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes and the May 13, 2024, Report of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
RESOLUTION NO. 05-23-24-01
Summary: Application PZC-24-28508 was filed for Site Plan approval to build commercial contractor bays on Lot 2, Scotts Second Addition, northwest of Alyssa Court SW, Iowa City. The site plan has been reviewed by the County Engineer and Public Health Department and conforms with the Unified Development Ordinance. Board Action: Resolved that said Site Plan be approved and authorize the Zoning Administrator to issue permits for this site in accordance with the standards set forth in the Johnson County Unified Development Ordinance. Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve Resolution No. 05-23-24-01 effective May 23, 2024.
RESOLUTION NO. 05-23-24-02
Summary: The Johnson County Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its report and recommendations for certain actions. Board Action: Set a public hearing for June 13, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. CT in Room 203 B/C, Johnson County Health & Human Services Building, 855 South Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Iowa, on the following zoning and platting applications: a) Zoning application filed by Chase Steggall (PZC-24-28510); and b) Platting application filed by Jean Douglas (PZC-24-28511). Authorize the Auditor to publish the official notice of the above public hearing. Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve Resolution No. 05-23-24-02 effective May 23, 2024.
Convened Public Hearing. on the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) County Budget Amendment at 9:18 a.m.
Johnson County Finance Director Dana Aschenbrenner noted the FY24 County Budget Amendment includes approximately $6,086,266 of previously unbudgeted revenues and approximately $681,586 of previously unbudgeted expenditures. He noted there is an inner fund transfer between the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund and the standard allowance ARPA fund. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 9:20 a.m.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Johnson County Board of Supervisors and Public, Professional and Maintenance Employees (PPME) International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Local 2003 for the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office employees, effective July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
Motion by Green, second by Porter, to approve Change Order No. 003 for the Administration and Health and Human Services Remodel Project with McComas-Lacina Construction LC, Iowa City, in the amount of $64,682.32, resulting in a total contract price of $7,447,002.51.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve the Administrative Services Agreement for Fiscal Year 2025 between the Johnson County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area Board and the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, effective July 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $123,845.00.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, Fiscal Agent Agreement for Fiscal Year 2025 between the Johnson County Empowerment Board/Early Childhood Iowa Area Board and the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, effective July 1, 2024.
Motion by Green, second by Green-Douglass, to appoint Cathy Lucille Toussaint Coleman to the Historic Preservation Commission for a three-year term ending December 31, 2026.
Motion by Porter, second by Green, to approve the Application for Fireworks Permit for Harold L. Hopp, for display at 3149 Sandy Beach Rd. NE, Solon, on June 28, 2024, with a July 5, 2024, rain date.
Adjourned at 9:32 a.m.
/s/ Rod Sullivan, Chair, Board of Supervisors
/s/ Attest: Travis Weipert, Auditor
On the 28th day of May, 2024
Recorded by Auditor’s Office: Marly Melsh, Executive Clerk to the Board
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on May 30, 2024.

Published in The News, Thursday, June 6, 2024 L-437