Mid-Prairie CSD Jan. 27, 2025


Mid-Prairie Community
School District
Kalona, Wellman, West Chester
Mid-Prairie Central Office Community Room, Wellman, IA 52356
January 27, 2025, 2025– 6:15 p.m.

Vice President Ryan Schlabaugh called the meeting to order in the absence of President Jake Snider.
Board members present: Denise Chittick, Gabrielle Frederick, Ryan Schlabaugh, Jed Seward, and Jake Snider (arrived at 6:22p.m).
Board members absent: Mary Allred, Randy Billups, Jake Snider (arrived at 6.22p.m).
Also Present: Superintendent Brian Stone, Board Secretary/School Business Official Jeff Swartzentruber.
Staff Chuck Banks, Tim Bartels, Robin Foster, Greg Jergens, Rachel Kerns, Jodee Beck, Kristan Hunter – for Strategic Plan.
Pledge of Allegiance
Read the School Mission Statement by – Gabrielle Frederick
Gabrielle Frederick moved to adopt the agenda as presented. Seconded by Denise Chittick. Motion carried 4-0.
Public Forum No one spoke.

Business Meeting

Consent Items
Gabrielle Frederick moved to approve the following consent items.
Payment of Bills
The bills as listed for January 27, 2025 and prepaid bills;
Open Enrollment Requests
Open Enrollment In Requests total 2 students;
Open Enrolled Out Requests total 0 students;
Personnel Items
Resignation of Callie Adkins, 4th Grade Teacher, $47,500 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Makenzie Mantz, 1st Grade Teacher, $47,500 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Will Van Soelen, 1st Grade Teacher, $47,500 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Melissa Rediger, High School Student Leadership Team Leader 0.5, $327 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Resignation of Pete Cavanagh, High School Student Leadership Team Leader 0.5, $327 per annum, effective end of 2024-2025 School Year;
Fundraising Requests
FCCLA requests approval to raise funds through their annual Strawberry Sales from February 1st to February 15th for Community, Student Body, and Leadership projects for the club;
Jed Seward seconded the consent items. Motion carried 4-0.

Business Item -- None

Work Session
District Strategic Plan
Superintendent Stone provided an introduction on the District Strategic Plan work completed to date by the Administrative Leadership Team. This is a new process for the Administrative Team, Board, and for the community. This is a great start but is not yet complete. This included Collective Commitment, District Values, Strengths, In 5 Years, and Vision (Every Student, Every Day) along with the current state Mission. The Team then provided a presentation on the current status of the Strategic Plan starting at a High Level and the diving into the “Three Rocks”—bedrocks of the plan. Some Highlights include the Aims Statements:
80% of students PreK-12 will be proficient in Reading
Tier 1 Best Practices from all teachers; Fidelity of implementation; Clarity and Alignment of reading Multi-tier Teaching Systems and Supports (MTSS)—80% (and to aim higher) is a mindset change;
100% of MP Students will participate and demonstrate readiness for life beyond high school
Engage Families, Staff, and Community; Provide a system of experience for all students; Maximize concurrent enrollment and AP course opportunities for students; First focus is Grades 8 to 12; Work based learning is also included in this area;
Increase attendance to 90% or greater in our District
Develop District attendance communications plan/protocols; Establish a District Attendance Task Force; Build Learning Relationship (students to students, students to teachers, teachers to families); Begin work on an MTSS Playbook;
The Board asked questions about each of the Aims Statements and underlying details to gain additional understanding in approach and data used.
President Snider arrived at 6:22 p.m. during the beginning of this agenda item.
Potential 2025 2026 School Calendar
Superintendent Stone provided an update on the current status of the 2025-2026 School Calendar and the work done to date by the Interest Based Bargaining Group starting in November 2024. He provided context to Professional Development (PD) times on Fridays to increase the PD time by 11 hours from previous years. The Board asked questions about the calendar changes as it affects students and staff.
HSAP Flexibility Transfer Approach
SBO Swartzentruber provided a memo to the Board as a springboard to discussion about the HSAP Flexibility Transfer. He provided a bit of history of the transfer done since COVID ended and the growth of the HSAP program. Rachel Kerns also provided input on the program and some of the needs that are mid-term and longer term priorities. The Board asked questions for additional understanding.
Cell Phone Conversation Sample IASB Policy
Superintendent Stone provided a copy of the IASB Cellphone Policy 503.09 “Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices” as the next step in the discussion process the Board has engaged in over the past few Work Sessions. The Board again discussed effect of cellphones on education, then determine the extent to which the ins and outs of the policy, and the communication strategy to the students, families, and staff. Each Board member spoke about their understanding and current position on the topic.
Board Policy 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence
Superintendent Stone the IASB Model Policy and the Administrative Regulation. This will be a First Reading at the February 10th Business Meeting.
Grade-Alike Attendance Centers Timeline
Superintendent Stone noted the conversations by the Board in prior Work Sessions. The discussion has anticipated changing the grade-alike centers at East Elementary to include Prekindergarten, Kindergarten and Grade 1 and at West Elementary to include Grades 2, 3, and 4 starting in the 2026-2027 School Year. This is considered as part of the additional classroom space requirements at West Elementary. Additional discussion items include: the timeline for communication, community comment through public forums, etc.
Funding Amount for an Auditorium
Superintendent Stone provided an update on the current status of determining the amount. Stone reported on the group that visited West Branch, Marion, and Auburnett schools to see their auditoriums along with OPN staff on Thursday, January 23rd. Stone discussed the seating sizes at each and also two of the three have an orchestra pit. Stone has requested a number from OPN for a 499-seat auditorium, band and choir rooms, and parking as requested by the Board.

Next Meeting and Suggestions for Next Agenda
The next Board meeting will be on Monday, February 10, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: Approve the 2025-2026 School Calendar; Setting a Public Hearing for the HSAP Flexibility Transfer; Second Reading of Board Policies 701.4 Meal Charges and 804.5 Stock Prescriptions Medication Supply; First Reading of 503.8 Student Threats of Violence and Incidents of Violence; Set a Public Hearing for the Grade-Alike attendance center at February 24th meeting;
The next Board Work Session will be on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:15 p.m. at the Central Office Community Room. Agenda items to include: 2025-2026 Debt Surplus Levy; Cellphone policy discussion with survey results and cost of the bags;

The meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

President, Jake Snider
Secretary, Jeffrey C. Swartzentruber

Published in The News, Thursday, February 6, 2025 L-235