On Thursday, April 6, 211 Mid-Prairie High School students and 52 staff members helped with recovery efforts following the EF-4 tornado that devastated several homes and farms in the Wellman area. Students and staff helped to remove debris from yards and fields in several locations west and north of town. In addition, MPHS students and staff prepared 34 freezer meals that will be distributed to those still recovering. A big thank you to all the students and staff who took advantage of this opportunity to give back to the community that supports them every day. Go Hawks!
Hillcrest Academy will host an event at Celebration Hall to relive the March 31 tornado on Sunday, April 23 at 2 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.
Kyle Miller, Hillcrest 2011 alumnus, will provide an in-depth analysis of the tornado as it happened using video and photos of the aftermath. He will also discuss safety measures for preparing for the next severe weather outbreak.
The historic tornado was only the second EF4 in southeast Iowa in the past 55 years, ranking it in the top 1% of most destructive tornados in the US (and the first EF4 in the past 39 years).
Please note, the presentation contains some strong language.
If your property was damaged by the tornado and household items have gone missing, join this private group to see if your property was recovered by others. If you have found items on or near your property since the storm, such as clothing, metal signs, cookbooks, dolls, or others, post photos of items here in hopes their owners might be found. This page can be found on Facebook.
This nonprofit helps farmers in Iowa and other western/midwestern states who have experienced illness, injury, or environmental disaster by providing the necessary equipment and volunteer workforce to plant, hay, or harvest a crop. If your farm was affected by the tornado, visit this website for more information and assistance.
Mennonite Disaster Services
MDS has been organizing volunteers to clean up fields and provide meals. To sign up to volunteer, contact Marty Roth at 319-430-4025 or Catrina Miller 319-430-9048 or IowaMDS@gmail.com. Advance registration is requested by organizers.
Volunteers have been meeting at Wellman Mennonite Church, 1215 8th Ave, Wellman, at 8 a.m. each morning and have been returning between 4 and 5 p.m. each day.
If you or someone you know needs help with clean up or material needs, contact MDS.
Iowa’s governor issued a disaster proclamation for 12 counties, including Johnson, Keokuk, and Washington, after the March 31 storm. This activated the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant program, which provides grants of up to $5000 for households with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level. Grants are available for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food, and temporary housing expenses. Applicants have 45 days from the date of the proclamation (April 1) to submit a claim to https://dhs.iowa.gov/disaster-assistance-programs.
This program addresses serious needs related to disaster-related hardship, injury, or adverse conditions. Disaster case managers work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance, advice, and referral to obtain a service or resource. There are no income eligibility requirements; it closes 180 days from the date of the governor’s proclamation. Iowacommunityaction.org or contact HACAP in Washington County.
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