Santa visits Riverside



Santa rode into Riverside in style in a red fire truck on Saturday, Dec. 9, greeted at the fire station by a fidgety throng of over 100 kids and parents.

The Riverside Area Community Club sponsored the event with donations from “Betty’s Santa Fund.” Betty Kaalberg was a former Riverside council member whose family continues this fund in her memory.

RACC volunteers Travis and Carol Riggan, Renee Arp, and Becky LaRoche handed out gift bags as the kids exited after their individual visits to give Santa (Scott Riggan) their wish lists. Boxcar Treasures also handed out small toys for each child and leftover gift bags were shared with Senior Village after Santa headed back to the North Pole.

Riverside, Iowa, 2023, Christmas, Santa, Riverside Area Community Club, RACC, Betty's Santa Fund