Sexton is re-appointed as Riverside Mayor Pro Tem

By Paul D. Bowker
Posted 12/20/24


Tom Sexton, who has been Riverside Mayor Pro Tem to Mayor Allen Schneider for at least the last two years, was re-appointed Mayor Pro Tem for 2025.

The Riverside City Council …

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Sexton is re-appointed as Riverside Mayor Pro Tem



Tom Sexton, who has been Riverside Mayor Pro Tem to Mayor Allen Schneider for at least the last two years, was re-appointed Mayor Pro Tem for 2025.

The Riverside City Council approved Sexton by unanimous vote during Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting, which was the last session of 2024.

The Mayor Pro Tem runs City Council meetings when the Mayor is not available.

Sexton, a resident of Riverside, is in the midst of a four-year term.

Budget Time

Planning for the Fiscal Year 2026 city budget will begin in January with a work session focusing on capital improvement projects January 13.

The Council will not hold a meeting the first week of January; instead, the first regularly scheduled meeting, eight days after the work session, will be January 21.

Cole Smith, City Administrator, said property tax assessments are expected to arrive in January, which will determine the city’s property tax revenue for Fiscal Year 2026.

The proposed tax rate will be set in March with a public hearing scheduled for April 7.

The final proposed budget is expected to come in front of the Council on March 17, followed by a public hearing and adoption of the budget April 21.

The new fiscal year will begin July 1, 2025.

Ice Storm

The City reported no major problems with last Saturday’s ice storm, which left more than half an inch of ice in some portions of eastern Iowa.

“The best thing you can do in times like that is stay home,” Smith said.

And many Riverside residents did just that.

Council Action

The Council approved an $83,310 bid from Rhino Industries of Nauvoo, Ill, for membrane replacements at the city’s water treatment plant.

The Council approved a five-year 28E Mutual Aid Fire Protection Services agreement with Johnson County.

The Council approved a resolution that appointed Stephanie Thomann as city clerk, beginning January 1, 2025.

Next board meeting: The City Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting is at 6 p.m. January 21.

Riverside City Council, Tom Sexton, Mayor Pro Tem