DECEMBER 17, 2024
At 9:00 a.m., Chairperson Richard Young called to order in regular session a meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors which took place in the Washington County Courthouse. Items on the agenda included the following: Pledge of Allegiance, approval of agenda, public comment related to agenda items, administration of oath of office for newly elected officials and deputies, East Central Iowa Housing Trust Fund Report and FY26 funding request, Washington County Mini Bus Report and FY26 funding request, Domestic Violence Intervention Program Report and FY26 funding request, discussion and action regarding approval of final payment for L-A-271, grading on 140th Street from Vine Avenue east 0.29 miles, approval of agreement No. 5-24-HSIP-SWAP-035 for Highway Safety Improvement Program – Local Federal-aid Swap Project funding assistance for County Road W61 (Riverside Rd) safety improvements including paved shoulders, shoulder rumble strips, centerline rumble strips, and grooved in pavement markings, personnel change request – Secondary Roads, quarterly report - Secondary Roads, FY26 budget directive related to operating expenses, designation of “The Southeast Iowa Union” for publication of official Washington County proceedings in calendar year 2025, 2nd reading of proposed Ordinance 24-04 and consideration of a waiver of the 3rd reading of proposed Ordinance 24-04 for the purpose of regulating the placement of Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) on property located in the unincorporated areas of Washington County, Department Head comment, adjourn.
Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward Jr., Marcus Fedler and Stan Stoops were also present.
Other individuals in attendance included Kalen McCain with the SE Iowa Union, County Attorney Nathan Repp, County Engineer Jacob Thorius, Chief Deputy Sheriff Shawn Ellingson, County Conservation Director Zach Rozmus, County Auditor Dan Widmer, Deputy Auditor Amber Armbruster, Deputy Auditor Michelle Hyman, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer Lerner, Assistant County Attorney Shane McChurch, Judge Daniel Kitchen, County Budget Director Cyndie Sinn, Mini Bus Director Cris Gaughan, East Central Iowa Housing Trust Fund Director Tracey Achenbach, and citizen Brad Stewart. Various other individuals listened and/or watched remotely via Zoom.
Seward led the individuals assembled in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
On motion by Fedler, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
There was no public comment.
District Court Judge Dan Kitchen administered Oaths of Office to the following newly elected County officials and deputies: County Attorney Nathan Repp, Assistant County Attorney Shane McChurch, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer Lerner, Supervisor Jack Seward, Jr., Supervisor Stan Stoops, Supervisor Bob Yoder, County Auditor Tamera Stewart, Deputy Auditor Amber Armbruster and Deputy Auditor Michelle Hyman.
Tracey Achenbach, Executive Director of the East Central Iowa Housing Trust Fund (ECIHTF), addressed the Board and described ECIHTF as a 501(c)(3) community-based non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals by offering innovative and flexible funding in order to expand affordable housing opportunities within the four counties of Washington, Benton, Iowa, and Jones. ECIHTF offers two major types of assistance programs with each of the programs funded almost entirely by the Federal Home Loan Bank. One of the programs is designed to provide funding assistance for the creation or preservation of housing for individuals with low to moderate income. The other program is designed to provide funding assistance for home repair projects for individuals with low to moderate income. Since its inception ECIHTF has been awarded nearly $4.5 million in state housing trust fund dollars which has required a local match of over $1 million from the four counties. Washington County has provided a total of $45,900 of that local match and during the current fiscal year Washington County’s financial support in the amount of $4,754 has allowed ECIHTF to apply for $435,896. Achenbach shared that beginning with calendar year 2011 a total of 214 households in Washington County have received assistance in the amount of $1.9 million. For FY26 Achenbach requested funding from Washington County in the same amount ($5,282) as provided by Washington County for the current fiscal year. According to Achenbach this figure is based on the population of Washington County as a percentage (26.41%) of the entire population of the four counties with that figure multiplied by $20,000 which is the minimum local match needed for the state application. The Board took no formal action. The complete report is available for review in the Auditor’s office.
Washington County Mini Bus (WCMB) Director Cris Gaughn provided the WCMB report for FY25 via Zoom and reported that during the year funding sources for WCMB were as follows: 23% from fares, 31% from East Central Iowa Council of Governments, 38% from local option sales tax, 6% from Washington County, 1% from the City of Kalona, and less than 1% from other miscellaneous sources. During the year WCMB provided 55,536 rides and traveled 204,459 miles. WCMB transported an average of 220 riders each day. Gaughn requested funding from the County in the amount of $50,000 for FY26 which is equal to the level of funding for the current fiscal year. The Board took no formal action. The complete report is available in the Auditor’s office.
Alta Medea, who serves as Director of Community Engagement for the Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP), shared with the Board that that the purpose of DVIP is to ensure immediate and lasting safety, empowerment, dignity, and hope for individuals impacted by domestic violence. According to Medea, DVIP has served 101 individuals, and provided 1,245 hours of services to 767 victims/survivors of domestic violence in Washington County during FY25. $2,592 in direct aid has been used to help residents with utilities, rent, gas and other necessities. Medea requested $2,500 in funding support for FY26. The Board took no formal action.
County Engineer, Jacob Thorius, presented information regarding approval of final payment for L-A-271, Grading on 140th Street from Vine Avenue east 0.29 miles. Approximately $5,500 is due remaining of the initial $185,899. Motion to approve was made by Fedler, seconded by Seward.
Thorius also presented information regarding approval of Agreement No. 5-24-HSIP-SWAP-035 for Highway Safety Improvement Program – Local Federal-aid Swap Project funding assistance for County Road W61 (Riverside Rd) safety improvements including paved shoulders, shoulder rumble strips, centerline rumble strips, and grooved in pavement markings. HSIP Federal-aid Swap funds will reimburse up to $450,000 of the costs. Motion to approve was made by Seward, seconded by Fedler.
On motion by Seward, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, a personnel change request from Secondary Roads for the hiring of Matthew Hyman as a full-time Mechanic at the rate of $30.01 effective December 23, 2024.
Thorius provided the Board with a summary of the Secondary Roads Quarterly Report for the 3rd quarter of calendar year 2024. The report included, among other things, a summary of paved road maintenance, a summary of rock road maintenance, a breakdown by month of the 22,342 total tons of rock hauled during the quarter, a summary of construction activities, vegetation management projects, and road construction activities. On motion by Seward, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the Secondary Roads Quarterly Report for the 3rd quarter of calendar year 2024. The complete report is available in the Auditor’s office.
The FY26 budget directive related to operating expenses was discussed. Seward noted the county’s carry over balances are lower than desired and asked the department heads to give input of resolving. A lengthy discussion followed concerning options for trimming budget amounts. The FY26 budget directive will be continued on next week’s agenda along with additional discussion regarding compensation matters.
On motion by Yoder, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to designate “The Southeast Iowa Union” as an official publication for Washington County proceedings in 2025.
On motion by Seward, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to approve the second reading of the proposed Washington County Wind Ordinance 24-04. The third reading will be on next week’s agenda.
There was no department head comment.
At 10:38 a.m. on motion by Young, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to adjourn.
ATTEST:s/ Tamera S. Stewart, Deputy Auditor
Published in The News, Thursday, january 9, 2025 L-252