Washington County


JANUARY 21, 2025

, At 9:00 a.m., Chairperson Richard Young called to order in regular session a meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors which took place in the Washington County Courthouse. Items on the agenda included the following: Pledge of Allegiance, approval of agenda, public comment related to agenda items, Veteran’s Affairs FY25 Quarterly Report, approval of Certificate of Appointments for Deputy Sheriffs and Civil Process Servers, personnel change request – jail, appointment of Dutch Creek Township Trustee, Department Head comment, adjourn.
, Supervisors Bob Yoder, Jack Seward Jr., Marcus Fedler and Stan Stoops were also present.
, Other individuals in attendance included Kalen McCain with the SE Iowa Union, County Attorney Nathan Repp, County Sheriff Jared Schneider, Veterans Affairs Director Carrie Rich, and Board of Supervisors Administrative Assistant Amber Williams. Various other individuals listened and/or watched remotely via Zoom.
Yoder led the individuals assembled in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
, All motions were passed unanimously unless noted otherwise.
, On motion by Stoops, seconded by Fedler, the Board voted to approve the agenda as published.
, There was no public comment.
,Washington County Veterans Affairs Director Carrie Rich presented the Veterans Affairs report for the 2nd quarter of FY25. She reported that during the quarter four applications for benefits were received with three of the applications being denied, and one application currently in process. Rich noted she plans to reach out to Veterans to alert them of the assistance available. On motion by Seward, seconded by Stoops, the Board voted to acknowledge receipt of the FY25 2nd Quarter Veterans Affairs report. The complete report is available in the Auditor’s office.
, On motion by Stoops, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to approve, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, the appointment of Bernardina Mijangos to the position of Civil Process Server for a term ending December 31, 2028.
, On motion by Fedler, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to acknowledge, and authorize the Chairperson to sign, a personnel change request from the Sheriff’s Office for Jailer Dylan Ryder for a change in classification from casual part-time to full-time effective January 23, 2025.
, On motion by Fedler, seconded by Seward, the Board appointed Jeremy Vittetoe to the position of Dutch Creek Township Trustee for a term ending December 31, 2028.
During Department Head comment, Seward noted that he has had no response in regard to the Emergency Medical Service memorandum presented last week.
, Fedler reported a week delay in the Orchard Hill project. The anticipated date for the Board of Supervisors move to the new location is the week of February 10, 2025. Fedler also made note that bids for the courthouse remodel are due tomorrow, January 22, 2025, at 3:30 p.m, in the County Auditor’s office.
, At 9:19 a.m. on motion by Stoops, seconded by Yoder, the Board voted to adjourn.

ATTEST:s/ Tamera S. Stewart, Washington County Auditor

Published in The News, Thursday, February 6, 2025 L-93