128 results total, viewing 121 - 128
The Floor Burn Academy took place the last week of July at the Lone Tree Wellness Center. Separate camps were held for high schoolers and kids in grades 3 to 8.
Click through the photos to take a …
By Paul D. Bowker |
8/4/20 01:29 PM
The cities of Kalona, Riverside and Wellman teamed up for a third pop-up food pantry, distributing 186 boxes of food – more than 5,000 pounds – to area residents. The cities are planning a fourth pop-up food pantry on May 30.
Lone Tree native Steve Forbes was named the head men’s basketball coach at Wake Forest on April 30.
Wake Forest Director of Athletics John Currie made the announcement …
5/7/20 12:00 AM
Local food pantries are ramping up their efforts to assist residents during this time when many people have been forced to stay at home.
On Saturday, the city of Kalona held its own pop-up food …
Washington County has been ranking in the top five counties in Iowa with COVID-19 cases, but the county’s public health director says that is because the county has been more aggressive in …