
Santa visits Riverside

Santa’s reindeer are amazing, but even they were daunted by the ice storm on Dec. 14, the day they were originally planning on visiting Riverside. But Santa wouldn’t dream of leaving kids …

Christmas in Kalona


Wellman’s Light the Night

The City of Wellman and Wellman Community Club hosted a fun and festive Light the Night downtown on Saturday, Nov. 30.

Lone Tree’s Winter Fest

The Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce hosted a full afternoon of vendors, treats, and activities along Devoe Street on Saturday, Nov. 30.

Lone Tree hosts Homecoming Parade, crowns King and …

At the end of their school day on Friday, Sept. 22, Lone Tree held a pep rally, crowning their Homecoming King as Ethan Bockelman and Homecoming Queen as Lila Bell.  Other homecoming court …

Highland celebrates homecoming with "Boom Night" at …

As part of their homecoming festivities Highland held "Boom Night" at Riverside on Sept. 20.  The event began with a parade that ended at Hall Park where the rest of the planned activites …

Mid-Prairie celebrates homecoming with coronation, …

Mid-Prairie held their homecoming parade on Wednesday, Sept. 13. After the parade finished, festivities transferred to the high school football field where the school held a powderpuff football …

The Joy of Foam

Wrapping up the 2023 Summer Reading program, local children enjoyed a fun time with foam just outside the Kalona Library on July 28.

Bluegrass Festival

The Kalona Bluegrass Festival was held on July 22.

Celebrating Independence

A tolerable 81 ° at the start of Wellman’s July 4 parade gave way to a high of 90° later in the afternoon, but folks kept their cool with frozen treats during the city’s full day …

Trek Fest 38

There was no rain on Riverside’s parade this year, though high temps made sticking out a full day in head-to-toe polyester a challenge.   Star Trek aficionados found their kindred spirits …

Reading to Shelter Pets

On Thursday, June 15, the Wellman Library’s summer reading program brought young readers to PAWS & More animal shelter in Washington where dogs and cats awaiting forever homes enjoyed …

Kalona Days

Pie Winners Grand Champion: Mary Hershberger with her Apple Pie 1st Runner-Up: Amy Allen with Grandma Opal’s Apple Pie 2nd Runner-Up: Ellis Vizcarrando with his Strawberry Mango …

Lone Tree Fun Fly

The Lone Tree Flyers enjoyed a clear day with perfect flying conditions for their 3rd annual Fun Fly on Saturday, June 10.   The event attracted RC pilots from as far as Colorado, who …