Washington County
256 results total, viewing 241 - 256

A subdued Memorial Day celebration

The crowds were smaller  at Memorial Day events, but area residents still honored those who have died in wars. The only formal ceremony was at Sharon Hill Cemetery in Kalona, where the … more

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

The cities of Kalona, Riverside and Wellman teamed up for a third pop-up food pantry, distributing 186 boxes of food – more than 5,000 pounds – to area residents. The cities are planning a fourth pop-up food pantry on May 30. more

Soldiers monument returns to Kalona

The final phases of the restoration of the unknown soldiers monument at Sharon Hill Cemetery are underway. On Monday morning, crews from Berg Lawn Care and Strabala Grounds Management began laying … more

Three-City Food Pantry

The three cities joined forces to host pop-up food pantries in each community on Saturday morning. In all, nearly 200 boxes of food were handed out in the three cities Saturday, representing more … more

Taking Christ to the Streets

The Rev. Melissa Warren had an idea for “taking Christ to the streets,” going to where the people are. The pastor had been looking at the empty pews in her two churches – Wellman’s Asbury … more

Mid-Prairie Strong

Kristen Thomas stood with her children near the corner of 13th Street and Eighth Avenue in Wellman Wednesday evening holding a paper banner that read “We Miss You.” “It was our … more

Food pantries ramp up to serve residents

Local food pantries are ramping up their efforts to assist residents during this time when many people have been forced to stay at home. On Saturday, the city of Kalona held its own pop-up food … more

Washington County now tops 50 cases

Washington County has been ranking in the top five counties in Iowa with COVID-19 cases, but the county’s public health director says that is because the county has been more aggressive in … more

Cities close playgrounds on governor’s orders

Cities are taking action to close down more public places following Gov. Kim Reynolds’ Monday order. During her Monday press conference, Reynolds ordered that playgrounds and campgrounds … more

We're going on a Bear Hunt!

Six area Future Problem Solving teams headed to state competition

Several area Future Problem Solving teams placed among the top teams at the FPS Regional Competition held in Iowa City on Jan. 10.  Teams of three or four students applied the six-step Future … more

A Musical Night

Mid-Prairie Middle School presented a choral concert at Mid-Prairie High School on Tuesday, Feb. 25. more

Republicans praise Trump, tout accomplishments

On Friday night, members of the Washington County Republican Party gathered to raise money, discuss accomplishments and voice support for President Donald Trump. Keynote speaker Tana Goertz told … more

Color-me Contest Champions

A total of 50 children entered the contest this year, with each participant receiving a free ice cream cone or cookie, courtesy of JW’s Foods of Kalona.  Color-Me contest champions … more

Mid-Prairie Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Holiday Concert

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