On Friday night, members of the Washington County Republican Party gathered to raise money, discuss accomplishments and voice support for President Donald Trump.
Keynote speaker Tana Goertz told the crowd that her experience on Trump’s television show “The Apprentice” showed her what kind of man Trump really is and how it inspired her to work on his 2016 campaign.
“I never met a man who loves our flag, who loves his family and who loves his freedom as much as Donald Trump,” Goertz said. “As a woman and a mother, what I fell in love with is that he loves his family.
“He cares about you, and I knew if I put my reputation in alignment with this man to help make America great, he would do everything that he said he would do.”
Goertz is currently working on Trump’s re-election campaign and is an advisory board member for Women for Trump.
She talked about how Trump has achieved “record results with record resistance.”
“Some of these people don’t realize that we have a commander in chief who’s running the United States, making our flag be respected again, supporting our veterans and making sure that everybody knows they are the male and female heroes of our country,” she said. “We’re not the laughing stock of countries any more. We are respected. This is a commander in chief who’s doing amazing things. There’s not a human being alive who can do what he’s done.”
State Republican Party Chairman Jeff Kaufmann also praised Trump’s work.
“When we write the history books and if we can only use one paragraph, it would be finally we have somebody who truly did what he promised before he was elected,” Kaufmann said. “Overwhelmingly, this president has supported conservative causes. He has said everything he was going to do, then turned around and did it.”
Kaufmann also addressed the District 2 race for the U.S. House, with Democrat Dave Loebsack not seeking re-election, and the current Democratic candidate, former State Sen. Rita Hart.
“Dave Loebsack is harmless, but the problem with Dave Loebsack is that he’s been harmless in the legislative process as well,” Kaufmann said. “We can’t have another ‘Dave Loebsack Light,’ and that’s what Rita Hart is.”
Kaufmann said that Hart’s politics “stink.”
“The reason her politics stink is because she’s silent on almost every single issue that matters to Iowans,” he said.
Marionette Miller-Meeks, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Loebsack’s seat, said that the Democratic party has given up.
“They’ve given up on you, your dreams and the American dream,” she said. “They see the only place where solutions are is Washington, D.C., and the government. They no longer believe in us.
“Do you think Bernie Sanders believes in your dreams? Do you think Bernie Sanders believes that we as Iowans and individuals can achieve more than they can in government? No, they do not.”
Bobby Schilling, who served one term in the U.S. House from Illinois District 17 and is also seeking the Republican nomination for Loebsack’s seat, said it is time a Republican take the seat.
“If anybody thinks the federal government can or bureaucracy can give our money away better than we can, we call them Democrats or socialists – Bernie Sanders,” Schilling said. “I decided to run for this seat because I’m sick and tired of watching it stay blue. Dave Loebsack is a do-nothing congressman. He has no accomplishments whatsoever.”
State Rep. Ashley Hinson, who is seeking to unseat District 1 U.S. Rep. Abby Finkenauer, spoke about how she wants to bring common sense to Washington, D.C.
“I’m an everyday Iowan who is running to represent everyday Iowans in Washington, D.C.,” Hinson said.
State Rep. Jarad Klein of Keota, who used the occasion to formally announce his re-election bid, talked about the importance of Republicans maintaining a majority in the Legislature.
“Make no joke, our chamber in Iowa is one of the targets in this country,” Klein said. “What the Democrats have figured out is that they can’t take a majority because they’re not a party of ideas. They want one chamber because if they get one chamber, they can stop everything. They can mess the whole world up.”
Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate discussed the fight to get the state’s recent voter ID bill passed.
“The Democrats fought us tooth and nail,” Pate said. “They fought us in the Legislature, and they lost. They fought it at the ballot box by putting candidates against me, not once but twice and bringing in a few million dollars from out of state, and they lost.
“They fought us in the courts, and I’m pleased to say they lost again. Voter ID is the law of the land here in Iowa.”
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